N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 34 results.
Defense bonds - United States
- Women's division plans for part in bond drive. Se.2-43:14.
- Rally means great start in Wake bond campaign. Se.3-43:1.
- Greensboro honors t. Kephart by buying new destroyer named Kephart. Se.15-43:5.
- Leinbach gives report on drive. Se.27-43:3.
- Wake County tops quota. ae.28-43:12.
- Saleswoman: Mrs. Margaret C. Penland, Newlsnd. Se.29- 43:1.
Defense bonds - United States
- Women1s divison awarded prizes for sales man ship in Third war lona drive here. 0.19. 43:5.
- Seven million U.S. families own no war bonds or stamps. 0.24-43:1 X.
- Bond figures. D.12-43:12.
- L.V.Sutton to head executive group Pitts announces. Jpn.4-44:2.
- Women bond leaders named for region 12. Jan.7-44:2.
Defense bonds - United States
- Boylan Pearce plans prelude to Fourth war loan. Jan.9-44:2.
- $5,098,000 is Wake quota in Fourth war loan drive. Jan.11-44:7.
- Five retail stores here too cuotas for 4th loan. Jan.22-44:10.
- Raleigh women prepare for war bond campaign. Jan. 14-44: 8.
- Wake County bone, forces to map drive plans today. Jan.14-44:14.
Defense bonds - United States
- 16.
- Insurance men eld bond drive. J>n.14-44:
- This is 1944.' Wh?t will you do to make it the victory year? Jan.16-44:6.
- County leaders set stage for Wake tear bond drive. J an.17-44:10. Jan.19-44:1.
- School sets fin? exanrole in 4th tor loaal drive. Jan.21-44:10.
- Five retail stores top ouotas for 4th
- loan. Jan.22-44:10.
- War bond show proves very fine. Jan.26-44:8.
Defense bonds - United States
- "Worse for wear" by Mrs. Teresa Stewart; "Selfish and ungrateful" by C.L.Williamson Jr. Jan.28-44:4.
- Phillip Weavers1 vet Spangiel brings $50,000 at auction. Jan.28-44:18.
- Raleigh Jaycees' bond day get nearly million in cash. Jan.29-44:10.
- Leinback selves campaign report for statd
- Jan.30-44:15 X.
- Regulations: incuiries as to distributiS of wer bonds as property after death of
- owner. F.3-44:1
Defense bonds - United States
- Ace, Capt. Roland Wooten, to help here in bond campaign. F.4-44:3.
- Here's one way bonds are sold by Raleig Pullman conductor. F.7-44:2.
- You can help the boys over thers helping you says Cant. Roland Wooten. F.8-44:10.
- Col. Rogers to speak at today's bond auction. F.10-44:10. F.11-44:3.
- N.C. tonoed its ruot? In the 4th Lo-n dr-e. F. 13-44:1.
Defense bonds - United States
- 8.
- Soldiers repeat with fine show. F.15-44:
- State praised for bond drive. F. 18-44: 12.
- Wendell woman wins nrize for bond sales. F.25-44:12.
- Man arrested in Wilmington for bond c F.8-4' :2.
- Chairman Oscar Pitts receive citation for "distinguished services in behalf nf war savings program. Mgr.7-44:12.
Defense bonds - United States
- 7.
- State gets high war bond quota. May 9-44
- Pitts selected Wake chairman.for 5th war loan drive. May 9-44:12.
- Isley and Heater named 5th war loan lead ers. May 20-44:5.
- Wake's fifth loan auota announced as $6,328,000. May 30-44:8. 8-44:12.
- City organization set up for drive. Je.
- Organization set for Wake County. Je.9-44:10.
Defense bonds - United States
- Governor praises women for part in bond drive. Je.10-44:5.
- Happy boy: Wilson boy receives personal letter and autographed photo from Gen. Elsenhower. Je.11-44:11.
- Wake opens bond drive. Je.13-44:8.
- Rangers steal the show in Camp Butner revue. Je.16-44:14.
- State to put 10 millions in 5th war loan bonds. Je.17-44:5.
Defense bonds - United States
- CaDaclty audience sees bond premiere. Je. 23.-44:5.
- To tell you the truth, consequences were fine; N.C. bond sales still are slow. Jl. 2-44:2.
- Wake exceeds one auota in fifth war loan drive. Jl.4-44:1. 2.
- Wake bond drive to be continued. Jl.9-44
- Tar Heels top war loan goal. Jl.12-44:7. Gate City soldiers have another extra fine show. Jl.l 44:8.