N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 240 results.
Democratic party
- Young democrats in lively meeting. Je. , 16-32:8.
- Reynolds and Ehringhaus victors. J1.3-32:1. Jl.4-32:1.
- Election bd. canvasses vote. Jl.12-32:8.
- Official election returns. Jl.12-32:7.
- Youne; democrats of Orange organize. Ag. 14-32: 2.
- Young'democrats of Wake organize. Ag.30-32:12. Se.1-32:5.
Democratic party
- Young democrats assembly in Lee Se.l-32:7.
- Young democrats incorporate to "repeal Hoover". Se.5-32:10.
- Young democrats go after funds in airplane. Se.9-32:3.
- Polish up soft oedal for political novel ty. Se.16-32:3.
- Democrats launch state campaign in high
- sPirit. Se.18-32
Democratic party
- 2.
- Political rally held at Boone. Se.35-32:
- Banner attendance of democratic women here. 0.1-32:1.
- Moore county directors of finance named. 0.3-32:5.
- Johnston launches ffrive in enthusiastic manner. 0.5-32:1.
- Pitt scores hit with cart parade and pa] ty rally. 0.9-32:1.
- Seven counties make new report on victoi
- drive. 0.16-32:
Democratic party
- Names and dollars Pour in for democratic fund. 0.25-32:1.
- North Carolinians who have contributed to party fund. 0.25-32:8.
- Farmville holds democratic rally. 0.30-32: 4.
- Snow Hill holds rally. N.1-32:3.
- Democrats of six counties flock to Greei ville rally. N.2-32:1.
Democratic party
- Gifts continue to come in. N.3-32:3.
- Democrats show hearty response to money plea. N.5-32:1.
- Big cart rally held at Rowland. N.6-32:7
- Huge democratic majority seems certain for state. N.8-32:1.
- Daniels and wZeb" stir big crowd at Laurinburg. N.8-32:2.
Democratic party
- Reynolds and Ehringhaus to address women here. Se.21-32:1.
- Woodland has political rally. N.8-32:4.
- Finish campaign with a flourish in San-ford. 1.8-38:8,
- Later figgcee on elction in state give few changes. N.10-33:1.
- Donkey or Rooster? N.15-32:3.
Democratic party
- May seek repeal. Je.1-33:1.
- United dray forces ask Young democrats
- to refrain. Je.3-33:1.
- Young Democrats to hold annual conventic
- at Wrightsville Beach, July 8. Je. ites ?3!?S-
- Young Democrats chooee del eg
- 33:12. Calle meeting of repaliste.
- Jl. 2-33:2.
- Wake delegation is uninstrud ;ed. J1.6-
- 33:1.
Democratic party
- Young Democrats face wet field. Jl.7-33: 14.
- Vote to submit repeal resolve. J18-33:i
- Young "nocrats vote for prohibition repeal. Jl.9-33:1.
- Repeal action brings on talk. Jl.10-33:4
Democratic party
- Several may enter race for national com mittee. 0.17-33:1.
- No hurry to fill Gardner vacancy. 0.19-33:1.
- Reynolds favors delay in nicking chairman. 0.22-33:6 0.
- Delay ex-oected in filliriai: nost cuit "by Gardner. N.19-33:1.
- Added interest in Gardner vacancy. Jan. 26-34:1.
Democratic party
- May eliminate state ticket in June 2 primary. Ap.10-34:1. Ap.14-34:1.
- Forecast heavy voting in state primary today. Je.2-34:1.
- Results of primary. Je.3-34:1.
- Oooley sroes to congress; Abenethy is bea ten. Je.4-34:1.
- Second primary looms for five major candidates. Je.5-34:1.