N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 232 results.
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Moore: not buy votes with promise of state employe salary raiae, N&O, Feb-14-64, 1:2
- NC Joint Council on Health and Citizenship will not back gubernatorial candidate, Feb-14-64, 12:1
- Lake: fight repeal of speaker ban lav/, Feb-14-64, 12:3
- Preyer pays filing fee, illus, Feb-15-64, 1:6 Preyer pledges racial harmony, Feb-16-64, I 142 Moore advocating raises for state employes, Feb-16-64, I 14:4
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Moore: C A Dillon, Sr, Raleigh, chmn, finance com, por, N&O, Feb-17-64, 1:1
- Ctansbury in Lalent show UNC, illus, Feb-17-64, 12:1
- Preyer: comments on interstate rds and agr, Feb-18-64, 7:7
- Moore: charges Preyer with affiliation to " "machine", Lake platform, faaing issue, Feb-18-64, 9:1
- Bank support of gubernatorial candidates, Feb-19-64, 5:3
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Lake: NC has not built enough rds for taxes collected, N&O, Feb-19-64, 5:7
- Moore: official support former home town' Sylva, Feb-19-64, 8:1
- Preyer: 1st priority of his adm, NC's tobacco economy, Feb-19-64, 11:4
- Moore: jab at big govt spending, interference, will remain in race, pol orgn built, Feb-19-64, 11:8
- Gov Sanford, "not going to debate any of the candidates," Feb-19-64, 26:3
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Preyer: , small crowd at Raleigh rally, N&O, Feb-20-64, 1:7, tobacco mkt in trouble, Feb-20 9:1
- Moore: no stand on medicare, Feb-20-64, 6:1
- Lake: Kitty Hawk, gov's airplane, must go, Feb-20-64, 16:3
- Moore: criticises Preyer's meeting with NegrceSj Feb-20-64, 27:8
- Moore: criticism of janford a am salary raises, Feb-21-64, 2:1
- Preyer: comments on lobacco, Feb-21-64> 12:7
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Moore: rds important in unlocking state's resources, N&O, .?eb-22-64> 5:4
- Preyer: use FV to educ illiterate, Feb-22-64, 7:6
- Article, 3 Dem candidates, Preyer, Moore, Lake, pors, by Roy Parker, Jr, Feb-23-64, I 4:1, schedules for wk, Feb-23, I 16:1
- Moore: accused of desperation tactics, Feb-23-64, I 15:4
- Lake: Statewide Women's Advisory Com, co-chmn, Mrs Virginia Pou Doughton, por, Mrs Kemp Stagg,
- i"t;D-.c5-6/4 1:1 fe.
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Lake: replies to question about Bapt ch split, N&O, Feb-25-64, 5:1, backs centers to aid aged, Feb-25, 10:3
- Preyer: expand interstate highway systems, Feb 25-64, 10:3
- i-ioore: proposes indus development program, Feb-25-64, 10:5
- Moore: state euploye pay raises, manipulation of figures, Feb-26-64, 7:1> pushes rd program, Feb-26, 7:5
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Preyer: E-W highway; toll rd, N&O, Feb-26-64,
- 7:2, 7:5
- Lake: remeay put school urogram, Feb-26-64
- 7:2
- Preyer: close food gap, Feb-27-64 7:5
- Lake: qo something about educ, Feb-27-64, 7:5
- Moore: action on tobacco needed immediately,
- Feb-27-64, 7:5
- C W Strong, Rep candidate, files, por, Repr
- Donald Baagley filed several wks ago, Feb-28-64>
- 38:5
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Preyer: state employee pay riase, reduce road construction, N&O, Feb-28-64, 10:1
- Moore: change road program, Feb-28-64, 10:1
- Gavin: available as Rep candidate, Feb-29-64, 1:1
- Preyer: 5 county sera:; vote shows Preyer ahead, Feb-29-64, 1>:3
- Moore: Joe Branch replies to Nat lownsend, Preyer's mgr, on state employee salary raises and rd bldg, Feb-29-64, 14=5, NC needs tech workers, Feb-29, 14:8
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Lake: banks supporting opponents, N&O, Feb-29-64, 14:7
- Preyer: endorses UFE program of legis, appts coll students to head "Students for Preyer," por, Feb-29-64, 18:1
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Moore wins election in landslide. Picture. N&O, June-28-64, I 1:6.