N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 44 results.
Eure, Thad
- Addresses Sir Walter cabinet. Mar.S-39:6
- Addresses Wakelon seniors. May 7-39:5 0.
- Seek new frontiers Eure urges graduates of Lee Woodard High School. May 13-39:2.
- Business on up-trend Eure's barometer shows. Jl.28-39:18. 39:2.
- Made record in getting out laws. Ag.10-3
- Dates on flag. Ag.30-39:2. 2.
- Unified for Hoey for President. N.15-39:
- Urges students to pick own parties. N.
- 25-39:2. A
Eure, Thad
- Office of Sec. of State important Eure tells Civitans. D.19-39:10.
- Bird. Jan.17-40:2. 10.
- Tung oil firm barred by Eure. Jan.25-30: Security sales too $95,000,000 says Eure
- Ap.6-40:10. 11.
- Distribtites advertising rules. Ap.26-40: Says G.O.P. worker should qyit vote
- board. 0.24-40:14.
- Speaks to Four-H clubs tits Johnston
- county. D.9-40: 3.
Eure, Thad
- 2. Enrolling office out of Capitol. D.28-40 Commends Exchange club for dime drive
- aid. Jan.28-41:5. 41:12.
- Citizens wjrned against grafters. J1.10-Pride oven- figures of corporation. Jl.
- 16-41:1.
- City and county suckers (ed.) Jl.23-41:4 President of the National association
- of secretaries of state. Ag.30-41:1. History. 0.8-41:2.
Eure, Thad
- Duties of civic clubs are outlined by Eure to the Pilot club. 0.23-41:10.
- Lunch: wager with Oregon Sec. of state. D.5-41:2.
- Announces program details for meeting of National Association of secretaries of state. Jl.9-42:2.
- N.C. investors warned to watch for swind lers. A.24-42:11.
- Advises man against KKK unit. Se.23-42:5
Eure, Thad
- Address eroup at Methodist Orphanage. N. 12-42:14. 43:14.
- Runs second in x/earing straw hat. Ap.15-
- To certify commissioners. May 7-43:17.
- Addresses Ag club at State. ay 19-43:10
- Addresses Mary Elizabeth graduates. Je. 1-43:12.
- Favor letting members of armed forces over 18 vote. Se.18-43:1.
- Examiner. Se.23-43:1.
Eure, Thad
- Presiding: pinch hits for president of
- National Association of secretaries of
- state. 0.20-43:7.
- Is heard by Burlington club. Ap.28-44:11 Is speaker at fraternity dinner. May 11-
- 44:12. 44:12.
- Eure is speaker at Girl's state. Je.14-Discusses voting; system. N. 11-44:8. -2 Is pseaker at meeting of AAUW. Jan.12-45 Collection of mailon which Ms name is
- spelt wrong. Majfc-45:1.
Eure, Thad
- Given endorsement for resident of the N.C. Elks by the Wilson lodge. May 27-45: 11.
- Running. Ag.?5-45:2.
- Ballots. Cf. 16-45:1.
- Folly in setting the effective date of a law or resolution. N.1-45:1. N.7-45:2.
- A needed refora (ed.) N.8-45:4.
- Addresses Student Legislative Assembly.
Eure, Thad
- Eure's comment on Student Assembly asking negroes to join. D.2-45:1.
- To address REA meeting. Jan. 25-7 ' 2. Secretary of State urges abolition of
- 'gag' rule in letter to Rep. Rex Gass.
- Mar. 31-47: 12.
- To address Wake Forest meeting.
- Je. 15-7: 7.
Eure, Thad
- Secretary of State, seeking re-election, makes talk over local station. May 22-1J-3!2
- Says election participation Is challenge for all voters In Alamance speeck, Oct. 31-4-g: 6.
- State Elks hear Eure. Nov. 21-M3! 5.
- It's professor Thad again, Jan. 12-14-9 6.
- It's time for straw hats, boys. May 5-lJ-Q: 12.por.
Eure, Thad
- Thad Eure named Camporee chief. Aug. 14-9 : g.
- State official explains parlllmentary
- law to Broughton Group.b ec. 1&H-9'- 2.
- Addresses Granville Rotarians.
- Jan. 12-50' 5.
- Eure, In Harnett, sees heavy vote T ues-
- day. Nov. 1-50: 3.
- Thad Eure to speak at Mlllbrook rltea.
- Nov. 29-50: 2.