N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 78 results.
Forest fires
- New low. 3.21-45:14.
- Investigation into fire that damaged T3roperty of Henry Henderson, near Jacksonville. N.16-45:1.
- Forest warden Issues warning. F. 17-46: 18.
- Forest fire destruction taking toll in Carolina. F. 25-46: 8.
- School program planned by body. Mar. 19-6: 5.
Forest fires
- Forest fire still raging In Buck and Rich Mountain, forests. May 22-43J 3.
- Forest fires exact timber toll. May 24-43: 3.
- Boy spotter's sharp eye stops forest fires. Je. 19-49 3-IV.
- Heavy fire damage caused by forest outbreaks here. Apr. 24-50' 1.
- State forest fire danger termed worst In decade. Apr. 25-50: 1
Forest fires
- Action on fires proposed. Apr. 30-50: g-11.
- Forest fires strike Wake, other Eastern N.C. areas. Feb. 12-52: 1.
- Forest fire damages 2,000 acres in state-owned Bladen area. Apr. 19-52: 16.
- Bamage by forest fires mounting. Apr. 23-52: l'.
Forest fires
- Parker, ( 3harles
- Hundred of forestfires lay smoke screen
- over the state. May 31-36 :1 M.
Forest fires
- Six thousand acres burned over by forest fire in Hyde. N&O, Apr-26-58, 1:2
- Hyde forest fire is under control. Apr-27-58, I 1:2
- One of every five Tar Heel forest fires caused by arson. July-20-58, III 2:1
Forest fires
- 41 forest fires reported in state, but rain is dampening their future. N&O, Mar-27-1959, 3:1
- 5,000 acres burn over in raging Ponyer fire. Apr-10-1959, 1:2
- Forest fire blackens 14,000 eastern areas. Apr-11-1959, 1:5
- Eastern forest fire now under control. Aor-12-1959, I 1:6
- Battling forest fire big job. Aor-19-1959, I 17:1
Forest fires
- New fire district approved. N&O, May-22-1959, 12:2
- Forest fire at Pantego brought under control. July-3-1959, 1:5