N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 86 results.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Speaks at Social service conference at Charlotte. Ap.16-30:1.
- Speaks on "Live at home" in Henderson. Ap.18-30:2.
- Gov. denies negro threatened because of refusal to endorse Parker. Ap.25-30:2.
- Governor makes attack on state school control in address before Bar association at Pinehurst. May 3-30:1.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Calls upon citizens to see that cities and counties save as state is doing. May 10-30:1.
- issues Mother's Day proclamation. May 10-30:2.
- Makes his final nlea for Live-at-home. May 15-30:5.
- Gardner reviews State regiment. May 20-
- 30:10.
- Sneaks at Winston-Salem Teachers c Hepr< for negroes. Je 4-30:13.
- y
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Dr. Chase confers degree on Gov. Gardne: Je.12-30:12.
- Gov. proclaims independence declaration when he awards arizes in "Live-at-home" campaign. Je.24-30:1.
- Convention speech. J1.4-30:7.
- Final ceremony of training camp Gov. speaks. Jl.11-30:13.
- Gov. speaks to teachers at State. Jl.lfl
- 30:12.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Speaks to national guards at Morehead. Jl.18-30:1.
- Gardner parols increased to 604. J1.24-30:2.
- Civil service for state is advocated by Gardner. Jl.27-30:1.
- Speaks at Farmers convention. Jl.31-30: 1.
- Governor to press work of his six surveys. Ag.5-30:1; 6-30:2.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Urges purebred stock in his Selma speect Ag. 6-30: "l.
- Addresses 4 H. club. Ag.7-30:1.
- Starts boom for Harry Byrd for president Ag.10-30:8 X.
- Calls on state leaders to consider price crisis. S.9-30:1.
- Speaks to Dairymen at Meeting in Greens boro. S.13-30:5.
- Speaks at Mass meeting at State College when tobacco farjrs back new co-op. Se. 12-30:1. M
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Frison corn to drought section. Se.iO-30:3.
- Speaks to group that will organize counties to establish relief work. D.3-30:1.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- -i b4u
- Says he will back state co- op movement.
- 3.14-30:1.
- Governor Invites Prince of Wales to
- visit state for Kitty Hawk. celebration.
- S.26-30:15.
- Governor introduces Bailey in Shelby.
- 0.8-30:10.
- Speaks at Durham. 0.26- 30 :7.
- it it Laurinburg. 0.2 3-30:1.
- Gives republican record in speech at
- Greensboro. 0. 31-30: 1.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Thrills huge audi en-e in Jonnston county. N.1-30:1.
- Governor ends campaign with confident speech. N.4-30:1.
- Speaks "before annual Baptist Sunday school banouet. 1.12-30:10.
- Governor pleads for liberal chest gifts. N.16-30:1.
- No special session. N.18-30:?.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Dedicates Woodberry stadmum. N.22-30:2,
- Governor urges greater freedom in High way building. D.5-30:2.
- Warning sounded against renewed heavy planting: in speech before County Home and Form ae-ent at State colleee. 0.10-30:1.
- Not alarmed at -football pway Fay Gov. in preech before Southern conference at Chapel Hill. D.13-30:2.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Single University with three physical plants advocated "by Governor. D. 25-30:1.
- In radio, speech Garner guarantees to save state #400,000 a year "by unified buying. D27-30:l.
- Gardner for convention to change constitution. D.30-30:1.
- Gardner thinks he should wait on prosecution in Asheville case. 0.31-30:1.