N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 65 results.
Highway patrol
- Highway Patrol assigns 107 men. Aug. 2-475 9.
- Graham orders full probe in convict's manhandling. Aug. 2&7: 1.
- Jones discusses convict beating charge.
- Aug. 28-17: 1. Prisoner chasing is not specific duty
- of patrol. Aug. 31-47: 5.
- Patrolmen trial. Sept. 2-47: 1.
- New Patrolmen. Sept. 2-47: 14.
Highway patrol
- Patrolmen to fane trial for asult on preacher, Jan. 30-4-g: 1.
- Patrolman freed of charge of assault ing officer. Feb. 7-lJ-g: 1.
- Highway Patrol officer and Examiner dlBmissed. Feb. g-W 1.
- officials tell patrolmen "incidents" have to stop. Feb. lg-ll-g! 1.
- Patrolman dies of crash injury. Mar. 3-k-ii 3.
Highway patrol
- Court fines ex-patrolman in Hertford assault easeJ patrolman found not guilty. Mar. lO-iJ-S: 1.
- Patrol probing Rowan charges. Mar. 12-il-g: 12.
- Highway patrolman fired; girl, 15, charges assault. Mar. 2k- k-S' 1.
- Fatrol has fired dlzen.Mar. ?5-4g 1.
- Seven-county patrol unit grows. Mar. 31-lj-g: 7.
Highway patrol
- Patrolmen collect total of $73, 713.15. Je.16-38:8. 14.
- Patrol command changes hands. Se.21-38:
- Patrolmen stop liquor shipment. 0.15-38: 5.
- Dangerous detour again (ed.) N.16-33:4.
- Corporal Brown little improved. F.14-39! 12.
- Patrolman dies in car accident. Mafc.3-38:15.
Highway patrol
- Highway control bill curtailed. Mar.15-39:14.
- Crack down on speeders planned by state patrol. Ap.7-39:1.
- Patrolmen. Jl.2-39:1.
- 96 men in patrol camp. Jih.14-39:16. 14.
- Patrol mileage hits 25, 657,094. Jl.19-39
- Selects 51 men. Jl.30-39:1.
- Has luxurlOHS Penn Lodge. Ag.8-39:1.
- What price luxury? (4d.) Ag.9-39:4.
Highway patrol
- Who owns Pennlodge? (ed.) Ag. 11-39:4.
- Penn lodge "by A.J.Maxwell. Ag.12-39:4.
- Era ended. Se.1-39:1.
- New patrolmen get assignments. S.1-39:2C
- Patrol. 3.3-39:1, 8. 16.
- New oatrolmen are at stations. S.21-39: Non-coms named in state patrol. 0.14-39:
- 5.
- Report. 0.18-39:2.
- Atlantan buys old state cars. 0.20-39:17
Highway patrol
- These men oatrol this section's roads. N.2-39:13.
- Patrol report. N.15-39:2.
- Ser. R S.Harris works out details for handling Duke-Carolina football traffic. N.19-39:1. 3.
- Patrolman dies of crash injuries. D.2-3S
- $24,030 is recovered by Patrol In month.
- D.12-39:14.
Highway patrol
- 40:11. Greater activity shown by oatrol. Jan.16 Patrolman H.V. Norris charged with ac-
- ceoting bribe. F.1-40:12. F.2-40:1. ed. 4,
- Two new oatrolmen aooointed by state. F.9-40:9. 12.
- Two patrolmen Injured in crash. F.9-40: Governor to investigate Patrol fund solicitation. F.10-40:1.
- Striking at safety; Governor's responsibility (ed.) F.10-40:4.
- Patrol fund soLitation imorooer, Gov. says. F.12-40:1 A