N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 21-30 of 147 results.
  • Housing boards holding session. N.11-44:
  • Several hundred houses authorized for Raleigh. Mar.18-45:9 X.
  • Housing firm begins manufacturing here. Ap.10-45:5. 45:8.
  • Housiner project scores apnroval. Ap.29-
  • Raleigh builders assert plans under way. May 18-45:14.
  • Dividend: first. Je.3-45:1.
  • Housing official noints to trend. J1.4-45:8.
  • Shipment of houses made at Wilmi ngton
  • Jl.12-45:12.
  • State housing council willmeet here to-
  • day. N.7-45:2. 12.
  • Housing Council el< 2CtS officers. N.S- 45:
  • Need housing units N.18-45:1.
  • State housing needs 3 set at more than 46
  • million. N.29-45:1.
  • Can't you help hou sing situation in
  • Raleigh? D.2-45:12.
  • Mrs. Iney B.Jones elected by Raleigh Housing authority. D.4-45:8. 7-45:4.
  • Housing situation here by J.C.Keith. D.
  • Raleigh mayor says city unable to financ housing aid. D.8-45:10.
  • Governor orders action to get surplus housing. D.12-45:1. D.13-45:1.
  • No. 1 problem (ed.) D.13-45:4.
  • Houses. D.14-45:1.
  • Wager discusses housing problem. D.16-45
  • Available housing units for veterans disclosed. D.17-45:7.
  • Present: housing hungry N.C. turns to Wa Washington for Christmas present. D.19-45: 2. 45:5.
  • Betts cites data on housing bids. D.20-
  • Mayor outlines city's position. D.20-45 13.
  • Question of law standing in wry of cities end counties purchasing prefabricated houses. D. 21-45 :, 1.
  • An emergency exists (ed.) D.21-45:4.
  • Housing; Law. D.22-45:1.
  • Greater University seeks 500 surplus housing units. D.22-45:2.
  • 1935 statute gives cities power to acquire housing. D.23-45:16.
  • Housing authority seeks to aid. Raleigh problem.~D.30-45:16.
  • Housing action. Jan.1-46:12.
  • Cherry supports housing plans. Jan.2-46
  • 45:1.
  • Raleigh seeking 200 house units. Jan.3-4 A good start (ed.) Jan.3-46:4. 5. Klrchofer quits housing group. Jan.6-46: Hold prices down says Clarence Walker.
  • Jan.11-46:3.
  • Houses for veterans by Mrs. J.C.Conyers.
  • Jan.13-46:4. 46:7.
  • Crelghton cites housing future. Jan. 15-Residents asked to share houses. Jan.15-
  • 46:12.
  • 46:5.
  • Negroes named in housing study. Jen.16-
  • Realtors recuest housing meeting. Jan. 18-46:3.
  • Housing for veterns by William V.Hoyle. Jan.23-46:4.
  • Housing units allocated for city, UNC veteransT Jan.25-46:1.
  • Dr. T.W.Wood gives plea for more houses;
  • Emergency housing unit Dlans new service here? Jan.25-46:16.
  • Colleges seeking further housing. Jan.26 46:3.
  • Students at UNC ask for housing. Jan.27-
  • 46:16.
  • Veterans to get chance at homes in 11-
  • mington. Jan.28-46:2.46:3.
  • Betts discusses housing program. Jan. 31-
  • Mayor to confer on housine; units. Jan.31
  • 46:10.
  • Service Center expands "o obtalr i housing
  • here. F.6- 46:14.
  • F.8-46:10. Reidsville citizens seek housing agency.
  • Report is given on UNC housing; Signed contract for 100 housing units for State College. F.9-46:3. F.9-46:3.
  • Authority to handle housing for veterans
  • Even a former president can't find housing here. Mar. 8-46: 22.
  • War Pads Plan housing survey, ar. 19-6: 3.
  • Order expected to aid housing. Mar. 27-26: 1.
  • Raleighites slow to list spare space for housing. Apr. U6: 12.
  • Realtors here against Senate subsidy action. Apr. 7-H-6' K
  • Housing board will refinance. Apr. J-k6'
  • Housing ceilings asked by AMVETS. Apr. g-6 2.