N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 176 results.
Liquor laws
- More liquor goes to dry counties. May IS 39 2.
- Revenue men crack down on $1,000,000 liquor ring. Jl.7-38:1.
- Judge fhillips flays Jury's verdict in Greensboro. Jl.17-38:2.
- Big liquor case on trial at Durham todaji Se.26-38:1. Se.27-38:1. Se.28-38:1.
- Perjury chargelikely in Wilson whiskey drive. 0.21-38:16
Liquor laws
- o.
- Tax men smash big liquor ring. 0.25-38:
- Delegation wins leniency for liquor-ring leaders. N.10-38:l.
- Control? report of Raleigh's city court first year after legal whiskey. D.2-38:6.
- Rutherford drys ask exemotlons. F.6-39: 8.
- Bill to extend levalozed rum reaches Senate. F.14-39:1.
- Liquor and democracy (ed.) F.15-39:4.
Liquor laws
- Asks vote of peoiole on prohibition question. P.16-39:1.
- Liquor not gaining (ed.( F.21-39:4.
- Tide against liquor (ed.) F.23-39:4.
- Committee kills prohibition bill. F.25-39:3.
- Turlington would curb rum in dry counties. Mar.17-39:11. 3<
- Liquor vote on Tompkins bill. Mar.22-39;
- Local option (ed.) Ap.5-39:4.
- (J
Liquor laws
- Wilmington court demands officer resign. 3.9-39:3.
- Dry counties. 0.17-39:2.
- Whiskey sales increase desnite tobacco holiday. 0.22-39:1.
- Ten Wake men convicted of consPiracy in liquor trade. N.4-39:12.
- Drive on whiskey begun in Winston. D.7-
- 39:3.
Liquor laws
- Eight are taken in whiskey raids in Hash county. Mar.16-40:2.
- Judge Me el: ins declares war on liquor law violators. Ap.30-40:12.
- State W.O.T.U. asks candidates for gov. views on liquor. May 7-40:1. 40:1.
- ConsPiracy case ends here today. May 8-
- Hopewell given prison sentence. May 10-
- 40:12.
- All candidates for legislature who chose
- to go on record
Liquor laws
- 1.
- Drys to request N.C.liquor vote. J1.1-4C Methodist ask for referendum. Jan.8-41:2
- Wayne county petioners seek anti-liquor law. Jan.3-41:10.
- Liquor laws (eel.) Mar. 18-41:4 M. New strategy used by drys. Ag.17-41:1. 0'Berry. Ag.20-42:1. U.S. deputy arrests Brunswick officers.
- 0.4-42:4.
- Enemy number one (ed.) 0.20-42:4.
Liquor laws
- Booze foes plan dry field day. F.6-41:1 District League of Stewards of the uppe] part of the Wilmington Methodist district ask liquor referendum. F.3-41:5.
- Vote on liquor asked by Home Demonstration Clubs. Ap.18-41:15. 42:10. Home federation urges liquor ban. Ag.20-Llppards trial gets under way. 0.1-42:2.
- 0.3-42:7
Liquor laws
- Big fine levied on liquor charge by-Judge Pless, Jr. in Asheboro. D.9442:5.
- Wilson jurist takes rap at drinking law. D.24-42:2.
- We should end crazy quilt policy (ed.) F.7-43:4 M.
- House defeats proposal to prohibit liquor ads. Mar.5-43:3.
- Charges issued in whoskey ring in Craven
- county. Ap.30-43:17.
Liquor laws
- Democratic process (ed.) F.28-45:4.
- Liquor referendum by G.C.Graham. Mar. 4-
- 45:4.
- Money or morals (ed.) Mar.8-45:4. 10.
- Senate concurs on whiskey bill. Mar.9-45 Sale of liquor illegal in air. Apr. 5-4-6: 12.
- State's liquor laws are wrong. Deo. 1-U-g: 5.