N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 87 results.
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- Diplomacy and agitation, (ed) N&O, Kay-2-63, 4:2
- State Department erred, S&W1 s attorney con- tends. May-3-63, 28:2
- 2 Negroes guilty of trespassing at Ambassador. May-4-63, 20:1
- Pickets picket pickets at the State. May-4-63, 20:3
- 92 Negroes arrested here. County jail filled with demonstrators. May-9-63, 1:3
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- Negroes refuse to leave jail; Protests continuing. N&O, May-10-63, 1:4
- State troopers eject Negro at State House. Nay-10-63, 1:5
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- Negroes boo Governor at mansion. Truce effort too slow, leader of Negroes says. N&O, May-11-63, 1:4
- Demonstrations resume downtown. May-12-63, I 16:2
- Demonstrations halting: Bi-racial group meeting tonight. May-13-63, 1:1
- Negroes crowd churches Sunday: Turned away from Calvary Baotist. Presbyterians get no sermon. May-13-63, 20:2
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- Presbyterian minister explains his actions. N&O, May-13-63, 20:4
- Merchants here urge end to segregation. May-14-63, 1:2
- No bystanders now. (ed) May-14-63, 4 :2
- Rev. Crumpler tells why he barred Negroes from Calvary Baptist. May-14-63, 17:5
- 34 Negroes arrested as truce talks begin. May-15-63, 1:4
- Cleric group backs hotel, cafe mixing. May-15-63, 26:1
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- Court delays trespass case. N&O, May-l6-63, 36:3
- Negro leaders, Sanford confer. May-16-63, 36:3
- West Raleigh Presbyterian Church backs Raleigh Merchants Bureau stand on integration. May-21-63, 21:1
- Negroes march again in downtown Raleigh. Kay-22-63, 26:4
- 400 whites jeer as Negroes march. Kay-23-63, 44:1
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- Demonstrators, charged with trespassing freed by City Court. N&O, i:ay-24-63, 1:1
- Biracial group says it's time for action. May-24-63, 1:6
- 1,000 whites watch Negro demonstration. Kay-24-63, 44:1
- Judgement continued in trespass cases. May-26-63, I 12:6
- Three arrests made during Sunday night demonstra-tion. May-27-63, 22:5
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- 270 Negroes, 28 whites in desegregation march. N&O, May-28-63, 19:7
- Sloggers. May-29-63, 26:2
- White youth arrested during demonstration. May-31-63, 5:3
- Demonstrators do it again. Je-1-63, 3:1
- Negroes complain of N&O coverage. Je-4-63, 20 ;J
- 76 business firms here integrating. Je-6-63, 1:4
- Integration facts asked by Negroes Coordinating Committee. Je-7-63, 1:3
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- No turning back, (ed) N&O, Je-7-63, 4:2 Negroes continuing demonstrations here. Je-8-
- 63, 20:6
- Negroes "sit in" at Sir Walter Hotel. Je-11-
- 63, 1:6
- Hotels, theaters targets. Je-12-63, 26:3 Winborne to marcher: You're making people mad.
- Je-13-63, 38r3
- Negro "sit-in" group at hotel draws crowd of
- 500 spectators. Je-13-63, 38:3
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- Business firms here drop racial barriers in city-wide move. N&O, Je-19-63, 15
- Toward lasting solutions, (ed) Je-21-63, 4:2
- 11 convicted demonstrators to appeal to higher court: Seek ruling on hotels. J1-14.-63, I 20:1
- Picketing resumed here: New committee planned.
- Jl-26-63, 5:1
- New race group, Community Relations Committee, holds its first meeting. Jl-27-63, 18:6
Negroes - Civil rights - Raleigh [African-Americans]
- Demonstrators do it again. N&O, Aug-1-63, 2713
- Sympathy march staged in city for Birmingham victims. Sept-23-63, 28:6