N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 21-30 of 37 results.
Privette, Coy C.
  • Pushes hard to come from behind.
  • Picture. N&O, Sept-5-76, I 6:1
  • Expecting liquor bill. N&O,
  • Sept-10-76, 10:4
  • Outlines hiring plan. N&O,
  • Sept-11-76, 21:6
Privette, Coy C.
  • Republican hopefuls avoid direct attacks. Pictures. N&O, Sept-l2-76, I 13:1
  • Vote ends long primary battle. N&O, Sept-14-76, 1:4
  • Fails in runoff bid. N&O, Sept-15-76, 1:7
Privette, Coy C.
  • Chances dashed by low Republican turnout. Picture. N&O, Sept-16-76, 8:1
  • Has no job worries. N&O, Sept-17-76, 1:7
Privette, Coy C.
  • Endorses Fordj gauges Carter theology. Picture. N&O, Sept-30-76, 17:4
Privette, Coy C.
  • N. C. Baptist 'open,' Privette says. N&O, Nov-16-76, 21:1
  • Baptists re-elect Privette. Picture. N&O, Nov-17-76, 26:8
  • Tar Heel of the Week. Picture. N&O, Dec-5-76, IV 3:1
Privette, Coy C.
  • League campaigns against liquor change. Picture. N&O, Dec-9-76, 25:3
Privette, Coy C.
  • Vows fight on liquor by drink. N&O, Jan-8-77, 19:3
  • Mulls running for General Assembly. N&O, Oct-3-77, 1:1
  • Says Baptists are 'soft, lazy'. Picture. N&O, Nov-15-77, 24:1
  • Believed headed for N. C. House campaign. N&O, Dec-28-77, 1:4
Privette, Coy C.
  • Files for House seat. N&O, Feb-1-78, 9:? Fears industry push on liquor bill. Picture. N&O, May-l0-78, 35:7
  • To head anti-liquor lobby. N&O, May-13-78,
  • ?5:7
Privette, Coy C.
  • Anti-liquor efforts give Privette publicity boost. N&O, Jul-24-78, 1:1
  • Runs on new issues. N&O, Nov-1-78, 1:7
Privette, Coy C.
  • Anti-liquor leader predicts victories. N&O, Feb-11-79, 1-17:1