N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 72 results.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Mexican group lauds Reynolds. F.25-35: 3. No reaction to vote on wage amendment.
- F.26-35:3.
- Defend? vote on works bill. F.?8-34:?. Act? to end relief deadlock. Mar. 1-35:1 Dniverpity nf Hf.C. PtudentP aek Reynolds to back Roosevelt. Mar.1?-35:1?. PeneatP vote for prevailing wae. Mar. 16-35:1.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Hits at politics in jobs. Mar.21-35:8.
- Backs Home Loan bill. Ap. 14-35: 8.
- Takes probing jobs on. Ap.20-35:7.
- States publicity is needed. Ap.28-35:2.
- Leaves on nrobing duties, kp. ?8-35:l 0.
- Ready for Virgin Isles inquiry. May 11-35:1.
- Reynolds defers Inquiry into Virgin Islands rule. May 15-35:1.
- Purchase of Virgin Islands called mistake. May 17-35 k 1.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Advocates child labor orooosal. Jan.29-37:3.
- Receives 1,000 for cigarette testimoni-al. F.2-37:1.
- Bribery for publication (ed.) F.26-37:4,
- Speaks to Juniors. Mar.7-37:2. 2.
- Page boys like Tar Heel solon. Mar.7-37
- Warns of road danger. Ap.6-37:11.
- Campaign. Ap.14-37:1. Lauds budget message. Ap.25-37:3.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Says U.S. made mistake In signing nine power pact. 0.18-37:1.
- Believes President Roosevelt will be ten dered third term. N.4-37:8.
- Plays role of prophet. D.14-37:1.
- Gets project funds for Asheville auditorium. D.24-37:3.
- Agains holds filibuster's spotlight. Jar 9-38:1.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Backs Ludlow proposal for wrr vote. Jan. 10-38:1.
- Helps drive on malady. Jan.27-38:2. Dons dignity as movie stars arrive. Jan.
- 30-38:1.
- Urges safety measttre. F.5-38:3.
- Newtral in selection of sitB for veterans hospital in Eastern Carolina. F.6-38:!
- Reynolds' tax remarks draw fire of Dougl ton. F.12-38:1.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Back from Virgin Islands to vote for cash bonus. May 31-35:1.
- Gov.Pearson says Reynolds to get apology. May 25-35:3, 6
- Advocates 1? cent cotton loan. Je.9-35:
- votes for Gore's plan. Je.13-35:8.
- Artist. Je.'9-75:1.
- Senator volunteers to advertise state. Ag.?0-35:16.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Sees social revolt. Ag.30-35:1.
- Talks at Moose rally.~Se.?-35:5.
- Starts motor tour of country. Se.?-35:8,
- Officer snoils Seynolds' Riverside Drive slumber. Be.5-35:1. Lauds Roosevelt plan. 3e.7-35:3.
- Finds Roosevelt stronger. Oct.3-35:1.
- Finds nation stronf for neutrality. 0.6 35:1.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Heads into possible war zone. D.3-35:1.
- Reported missing in India. D. 17-35:1.
- Favors bonus and neutrality bills. Jan. 6-36:8.
- pace. Jan.9-36:1.
- Senator silent on Strain race. Han.19-36:7 X.
- Defies rulers of arnv. F. 4-38:1.
- Thinks travel promotes peace cause. F.8. 36:1.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Makes example of WPA officer. F.11-38:3.
- Now brigadier general. F.12-36:12.
- Favors brakes on immigration. F.14-36:3.
- Outlines peace essentials in Salisbury speech. F.22-36:3.
- Planning to return to N.C. abour Jl.l. F.33-35:4.
- Lauds state in Senate. F.28-36:18.
- Heads ippdments in immigration measure.
- Mar.1-36:1