N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 30 results.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Richmond Times-Dispatch for Roosevelt; Consider reasons (ed.) 3.27-40:4.
- "Stifling private Industry". $ed.) 0.22-40:4.
- Democracy's decision (ed.) N.6-40:4.
- Roosevelt nomination. D.16-40:1. 4.
- Chairmen named for FDR parties. D.22-40:
- F.D.R. amy ride to market place in Fay-
- etteville. Mar.29-41:2.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- 31-41:1.
- Visits Bragg and Fayetteville today. Mai Reeals Greeks will get 50 Ft. Bra
- guns. Ap.1-41:1.
- Visits Raleigh man during Ft. Jackson
- tour. Ap.2-41:3. 4.
- President points the way (ed.) May 28-41 Writer tracing FDR's ancestry. Jl.6-41:
- Court not an issue now (ed.) Se.7-41:4 1
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Comments of state officials on President
- orders Navy to fire on Nazi olrates. Se.lS
- 31:1.
- Let the peoole get behind you, Mr. Presi
- dent (ed.) Se.17-41:4.
- Tar Heels laud chief executive. F.1-42:5
- Greatest record ever (ed. ) Jan. 3-44:4.
- Roosevelt sees marines in stop-over at Lejeune. D.20-44:3.
- Dies. Ap.13-45:1.
- Raleigh stores Jio close during funeral. Ap.13-45:8.
- s to
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Raleierh Legion starts FDR fund; People's memorlfel r>rost>oed by Robin King. Ap. 13-45: 9.
- Hugh Morson students honor memory of FDR Ap.15-45:3.
- Chapter of War Dads adopt resolution on Roosevelt. Ap.15-45:3.
- With the immortals (ed.) Ap.15-45:4.
- Broughton High pay? tribute; N.C. Memori al services In honor of FDR. Ap.15-45:9.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- World fellowship and peace would be fit4 ting memorial. Ap.15-45:1 X.
- Bailey's expression on Roosevelt's death Ap.15-45:14 X.
- Negro school hold memorial services here Navy schoo at State pays tribute to FDR; Lions governor in FBR tribute. Ap.17-45:IS
- Franklin D.Roosevelt: poem by Amanda Etb eridge. Ap.18-45:4.
- Elijah and Elisha (ed.) Ap.19-45:4.
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- N.C. marine on guard when president died. Ap.19-45:11.
- Some thoughts about FDR by N.B.Lewis. Ap.22-45:11 X.
- First formal memorial (ed.) Ap.24-45:4.
- Peace with honor by Gerald Johnson. Ap. 24-45:4.
- USS Franklin D.Roosevelt. Ap.30-45:1.4#
- First memorsil by H.R.Reaves. Kay 1.-45:
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt: poem by R.M.
- Rice. D.30-45:g.k
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
- Roosevelt, Franklin D.
- Bar President tells of tribute Czechs paid President Roosevelt. May 5-6: IV-2.