N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-25 of 25 results.
State Constitution. Amendments
- London, H. M.
- Amendments to be voted on in November e-lection. 0.14-28:5.
- Fewer judges, busier courts by W.F. Marshall. 0.31-28:11.
- Raleigh Farm Hands club discusses tax amendment. N.2-28:5.
- Willis Smith urges adoption tax amendment. N.3-28:14.
- Pay amendment likely adopted. N.11-28: 3
State Constitution. Amendments
- Rose, C.G.
- Two i.T.portant matters concerning judici-
- ary. 0.13-30:3.
- Thorne, T.T.
- Fewer acoeale instead of making court
- bigger. 0.2S-3C ):3.
- Andr ewe , A.B.
- Sive 3 rem merit for amendment. 0. 26-30:
- 8 0.
- Vote < Dn tax amendment. N.19-30: 10.
State Constitution. Amendments
- Warns against voting for tax amendment. N.3-26:9.
- Legislators to get higher pay. N.18-28: 1.