N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 21-30 of 149 results.
  • Bd. of education adopts new salaries. Jl.31-41:3.
  • Keeps Job unless notified by end of ten Ag.10-41:1.
  • Teacher problem in defense areas will be settled. Ag.29-41:17. 1.
  • Certificates: new requirements. Ag.30-4]
  • Graduates all (ed.) Se.24-41:4.
  • Salaries. F.6-42:2.
  • Salary increase voted negro teachers in state. Je.12-42:16.
  • Teacher shortage acute McDonald tells PTA body. Ag.7-42:12.
  • Agriculture, Home ecenomic teachers meet in Greenville. Ag.9-42:3.
  • Number dwindling. Ag.17-42:1.
  • Poor response in drive for teachers. A 24-42:1.
  • 1. Teachers to get bonus in Spring. Se.4 '.2 Salary increase urged on state by McDonald: Eonus: Teeners pay. Se.5-42:1. 3. Former teachers asked for help. Se.11-42 Teachers raises asked of state. 0.8-42:1 Duplin teacher receives honor of Master teacher. 0.16-42:20.
  • Acute shortage. N.16-42:1.
  • Educational groups seek 15 percent rsise
  • for teachers. D.19-42:1.
  • E.J.Whitmire gets teaching honor for N.C. Jan.5-43:14.
  • Pirn proposed, to emyloy state's retired teacher?. Jan.20-43:14.
  • Better war bonus sought for employer of schools. Jan.27-43:10.
  • Kicks. Je.12-43:1.
  • Shortage. Jl.3-43:1.
  • Differrential between white and negro teachers. Jl.12-43:1.
  • Disturbing: loss of teachers to defense jobs. Ag.2-43:1. 2.
  • Teacher'vacancy still climbinsr. Ag.5-43:
  • Padding. Se. 20-43:1. 2-44:1.
  • Teacher crisis: Survey made by NEA. Jan.
  • Jobs for teachers in vacation urged by WMC. May 15-44:1.
  • Progress. May 23-44:1.
  • Stst-e ends differential in salaries of negro.and white teachers. Je.9-44:1.
  • 44:8.
  • Teachers' raise is termed legal. Je.17-
  • Tralning Index. Je.26-44:2.
  • Load. Jl.7-44:1.
  • Stunned x\rhen new salary schedule is examined. 0.19-44:1.
  • Business teachers of Raleigh and vicini ty elect Dr. Pophara head. N. 29-44:8.
  • Teachers lost holding A certificates. D, Jan.1-45:1.
  • More pay for teachers provided in senate bill. Jan.9-45:A
  • Serious shortage. Jl.30-43:1.
  • Schools to get more teachers. S.i_44:i.
  • Teacher salaries. Jan.20-45:10. 1.
  • Teachers write to legislators. Jan.22-45
  • Higher pay for teachers demanded of legislature. Jan.24-45:1.
  • Teachers' pay by Mary Elizabeth Brown. Jan.29-45:4.
  • Joint resolution seeks to set salary policy. F.9-45:8.
  • Teachers in Guilford threaten to quit jobs unless salary schedules are fixed as requested. Jan.20-45:5.
  • Dissatisfied at action of appronriations committee. F.18-45:12. 10.
  • Teachers fight for higher pay. F.19-45:
  • Wilson officials ask teacher pay incraas F.20-45:5.
  • Greenville teachers seek salary action. F.20-45:12.
  • Teachers and judges: Greensboro Dally News. F.27-45:4.
  • Merit system urged for school teachers by Rep.John Umsteed. Ap.3-45:7.
  • Teachers and Judges by Arthur D.Gore. Ap.4-45:4.
  • Educators hold conference here for teach er training institutes. Ap.27-45:10.
  • Teachers salaries to be studied by commission. Je.26-45:1.
  • Education Ed.adopts teacher salary schedule. Jl.6-45:11.
  • Salary schedule. Jl.9-45:1.
  • Oppose system ratings. N.10-45:2.
  • Teachers: Dr. Ervin believes most teachers "quite open minded" on teacher pay being based on ability. N.21-45:1.
  • Opposed. N.26-45:1.
  • Waters csks increase 4n pay for teachers Jen.27-46:20.