N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 21-30 of 45 results.
Textile industry
  • Exemption asked by textile mills. Ap.25- 45:2.
  • Four Cabarrus mills seek w age increase.
  • Ap.28-45:5.45:7.
  • Hearing is held on textile pay. May 23-
  • Four nTC. firms get pay scale increase.
  • May 27-45:7.J1.4-45:3.
  • British ibextil men visit A sheboro -olant.
  • Textile pl ants hit by cut- back. Ag". 17-
  • 45:8.
  • Gaston tex tile mil] s ready for expansion
  • Ag.19-45:8.
Textile industry
  • 7.
  • Textile leaders plan exposition. S.16-45 Winners chosen in textile show. 0.7-45: 15. 19-45:5.
  • Textile pay boosts outlined by Jacobs. D Textile union will seek pay increase foi South. Jan.24-46:1.
  • Textile firms plan increases in wages. Jan.28-46:9.
  • Pay increases widespread in state textile plants. Jan.31-46:1.
Textile industry
  • Textile leaders end big stseion.
  • Je. 22-7s 11
  • Radical change Predicted in Southern textile field. Aug. 2k~Kf'- 9.
  • Cotton meeting comes to close. Aug. 31-47: 4.
  • Thousands of N.C. Textile workers get wage increases, Nov. l-M-7:12
  • Stable textile mart seen. Nov. lg-4-g 1,
Textile industry
  • Textile employes get facilities. Feb. 2-9: 5.
  • Reduced operations causing layoffs of textile workers. Mar. 13-9! 1.
  • $10,000,000 mill merger approved by stockholders. Dec. 21-49: 2.
  • Payrolls, production lower among N.C.
  • textile planjs. AJ?r. 2S-49' 1,
  • "Forces of destruction hit textile
  • Mart." May 25-5 6.
Textile industry
  • Textile men told future not rosy. Je. 19-49: 7.
  • Earnings climb In State for textile workers. Jly. 21-49: 1.
  • 25 percent of textile workers In State unemployed. Aug. 17-49: 10.
  • Textile Industry employs 200,000 In N.C. Feb. 24-50: 5.
  • Brisk buying will Increase textile output in Carolinas. May 19-50: 1.
Textile industry
  • 350,000 N.C. textile workers relaxing. Jly. 2-50: g-11.
  • Orders continue to pile up for Caro-linas textile mills, jly. 19-50: 1.
  • Textile industry gains cited. Jly. 19-50: 3.
  • Textile industry entering vacation season, 800,000 persons affected. Je. 28-51:19
  • Better days seen for tixtile mills. Sept. 1-51: l.
Textile industry
  • End of textile slump predicted. Jly. 11-52: 25.
  • Textile future termed good. Jly. 20-52:12 Textile picture in N.C.: Industry now in confused state. Jly. 24-52: 6.
Textile industry
  • Textile men hope slump has been checked. Feb. 20-49: l-XV.
Textile industry
  • Textile industry now offers better opportunity for youth. Jl.12-31:7 M.
Textile industry
  • No improvement in week's textiles. Je.10-28:1,M.
  • Mills will close for 10 day period. Je.
  • 24-28:8.
  • Many mills will close this week. Jl.l-
  • 28:9.