N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 264 results.
Tobacco markets
- Kinston's ales Monday highest. 0.2$-36: Tobacco brings higher prices. F.14-37:12 Earlier opening is asked by eastern tobacco marts. Je.16-37:1.
- Huge sales seen on Robeson mart. J1.22-27. -z
- Record breaking season ahead for Lumbei ton. Ag.5-37:15.
- Fairmont tobacco market's goal is 50 mil lion pounds. Ag.7-37:8.
Tobacco markets
- Border markets to launch sale of leaf Tuesday. Ag.8-37:1.
- Border belt is swanroed for ooening. Ag. 10-37:1.
- Higher prices mark opening border belt tobacco markets. Ag.11-37:1. Ag.12-37:1.
- Greenville prepares for banner season. Ag.18-37:7.
- Knston market is noted for better grades of tobacco. Ag.20-37:10.
Tobacco markets
- Prices of weed. Ag.21-37:2-
- Rocky Mount market facts. Ag.21-37:8.
- Greenville market boasts 10 large modern warehouses. Ag.23-37:6.
- Friendly Farmville invites tobacco growers to market. Ag.23-37:9.
- Goldsboro tobacco market to feature government grading. Ag.23-37:16.
- Bxpert staffs await opening of Wilson
- market. Ag.24-37i).
- ik.
Tobacco markets
- Smithfield market opens. Ag.24-37:16. Robersonville ready. Ag.24-37:20.
- Williamiston sees best nrospects In history. Ag.25-37:14.
- Higher prices forecast on bright belt opening. Ag.26-37:1.
- East Carolina farmers begin reaping riches from tobacco. Ag.27-37:1.
- Golden flood from golden weed. 11. Ag. 27-37:13. A
Tobacco markets
- 11. Durham expects to break record. S.14-37: Goal of Louisburg market is 10 million p
- pounds. S.14-37:14. 1.
- Fairmont enjoys tobacco jubilee. S.15-37 Aberdeen tobacco market prepares for
- banner season. 3.15-37:3.
- Middle belt weed markets ready for ooen-
- ing today. S.16-37:1.
- Middle belt markets sell weed at high
- price level. S.17-37:1.
Tobacco markets
- Bright belt tobacco sales exceed 28,000,000 pounds. 3.6-37:1.
- Bright prospects ahead for tobacco market at Oxford". S. 12-37:6 0.
- Averages drop in bright belt. 3.13-37:1.
- Durham market opens season with three sets of buyers. 3.13-37:15.
- Official figures for Ag. orices. 3.14-37:1.
- Ag. average forweed 23.46. S.14-37:10.
Tobacco markets
- Weed averages still dropping. S.20-37:1, Tarboro market tanks with larger markets
- in orlce. S.20-37:10.
- Tobacco prices start new rise. S.27-37:3 Federal bureau sees $22 average on this
- season's flue cured weed. S.28-37:1. Keen bidding geature of Winston-Salem
- market. S.27-37:11.
- Tobacco market at Mebane no longer in
- smaller class. S.28-37:8.
Tobacco markets
- 1.
- Oia Belt marts will open today. S.30-37:
- Greenville mart sets new record. S.30-37:7.
- Old Belt opens with prices up. 0.1-37:1.
- Tobacco prices still going up. 0.4-37:1.
- Prices continue better. 0.11-37:1.
- Tobacco revels Sept. gains. 0.14-37:10.
- Greenville mart sets new record. D.ll-37:11.
- Kinston market sets new record. D.13-37: 5.
Tobacco markets
- Fairmont ready. Jl.31-39:7. hadbourn. Ag.l-39:8.
- Whiteville. Ag.1-39:12. 1.
- Interest turns to border sales. Ag.2-39: Ag.3-39:1.
- Border hits 18 average. Ag.4-39:1. 20. Many Jobs op n in weed markets. Ag.4-39: Tobacco growers decide to await further
- prices. Ag.5-39:1.
Tobacco markets
- Leaf prices hold steady. 0.12-39:1. 21, Tobacco prices In mixed trends. 0.13-39: Tobacco Is flown to market. 0.16-39:3. 2 Greenville hits high for season. N.l-39: Tobacco average $15.47 for year. N.ll-
- 39:1.
- Roxboro leaf market for ahead of 1936-5S
- N.28-39:3.
- World's record broken by Wilson market. D.2-39:2.