N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 65 results.
- ERA ie keeping workers "busy. N. 115-34:3.
- G.L.Bobbitt allowed to pay $50 fine. N.15-34:18. 3.
- Jobless to aid program of FHA. N.17-34:
- "ERA tl reduce local agencies. N.?7-34:5
- TCumber of units in ERA curtailed to ea-e H'80,0O0. ir.9-34:l.
- Relief farmers harvest food instead of money. N.?9-34:16.
- "farm nrices cut relief. D. 1-34:1.
- Unemployment decreases here. D.9-34:9. ERA announces district heads. D.13-34:3 Ballad by C.E. Mcintosh. D.25-34:18.
- Greensboro bids for FERA offices. D.?8-
- 34: 7.
- Total relief expenditures. D.28-34:14.
- F1RA will drot) 13,000 in state after New Year. D. 29-34:1.
- Funds nrovided to end IT CERA cattle program. Jan,?35U.lf
- Local units contribute only #178,000 to relief. Jan.3-35:1.
- Would establish SRA to bolster FRA here Jan.4-35:1. 14.
- Nearly 300,000 given "ERA aid. Jan. 4-35
- Relief for unemoloysd"is legislative riddle. Jan. 5-35: 6 X.
- (Jreensboro office of'red to FERA. Jan. 12-35:2.
- City offivialeof state to talk relief tax bill. Jan. 19-35:10.
- Persuade relief worker to "cuy food, not pistol. F.3-35:14 F.5-35:8.
- Raleigh Associated Charities assume relief burden and ask funds. F.5-35:8.
- Fenny a meal movement planned to aid needy. F.5-35:16. F.13-35:9.
- ma\e county Pelves to relief. Sunday movie ban talked. F. 7-35:15.
- Thinks office of FER5 ili remain in Raleigh. F. 15-35:5.
- Relief work continues with partial alo: lAtment. F. 15-35: 2. 13.
- Farrett heads county relief. Mar.7-35: Rest "burden of charity upon churches of city. Mar.9-35:16.
- Durham joblesp to nicket ERA office. Har.14-.55:14.
- Postpone fight on relief heads in Durha Mar.l5-S5:9.
- Durham files comnlaint on relief work.
- Mar.18-35: S. Mai. 17-35:7 0. Mar.?0-35:1
- 13.
- Durham leader state workers are dissa-i tifisd. Mar.?3-35:2.
- Penny-a-meal for noor le yielding low returns. Mar.?7-?5:?.
- Meals and movies (ed.) Mar.29-35:4.
- Sreenebor relief workers anneal to public. Mar.?9-35:ll.
- 20 more CCC units for N.C. Mar.31-35:4. Red tape, says critics. Ap.l-35:3.
- Harry Hoplins repeats his demand for money from this state. Ap.19-35:1.
- Department heads of the State National Emergency Council receives recovery news Ap.20-35:3.
- Ronald B.Wilson leaves NCERA job. Ap. ?2-35:2.
- Scores of unemployment refuse jobs in etrawberry fields. Ap.23-35:1. Ap.24-35:
- Sleeping places held unsuitable for women berry picl ere Ap.25-35:18.
- Churches give $970 to charity. Ap.29-35:12.
- State gets full share of frlief. May 3-35:1.
- Relief teachers hold convention. May 12 35:2. 1.
- State will get more CCC camps. May 11-3!
- Mother is seeking home for her hungry children. May 14-35:1.
- City relief roll families cut to 43 cents a week. Majl8-35:1.
- iai. i
- Baity to direct new PWA drive. May 22-35:1.
- Relief work wages in N.C. are lowest in nation. May ?S-35:3 M.
- J.H.Burke likely to be state progress administrator. Jel-35:2.
- Manure pile trouble ets state in lawsuit. Je.5-35:1
- Relief. Je.5-35:1.
- Coan may land Works position. Je.5-35:2
- Leaves transient home when he is given broom. Ag.6-35:TO.
- ERA liouidation gets under wav. Ag.14-35:1.
- Defer verdict in rioter'p case at Green horo. Ag. 29-85:8.
- Nearly thousand teachers taking ERE course here. Ag.30-35:16.