N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 214 results.
University of North Carolina
- Gaines speaker at "Hilx" tapping. May 8-28:IS.
- Literary societies want abolition of honor society. May 19-28:3.
- Twelve classes to hold reunions. May 20-28:2.
- Nearly 350 will receive diplomas. May I
- 26-28:3.
- Law office and court room given University. May 537-28:6 X.
University of North Carolina
- Needed library to 'be built soon. Ap.S-28:1 M
- N.C. stuaents select officers. Ap.13-28:18.
- Chase also asks 8 month schools. Ap.17-28:S.
- nigh school week at University. Ap.17-28:12.
- Smith elected by University. Ap.18-28: 2.
University of North Carolina
- Wake students take high rank at University. Je.11-23:5.
- Seven honorary degrees given. Je.12-28: 3.
- To have religion school. Je.12-28:12.
- UNC foreign tour. Je.15-28:19.
- Engineers finish annual session. Je.29-28:10.
- Dr. Chase enters formal denial thpt University had discharged certain teachers, Jl.18-28:4. 1S
University of North Carolina
- Consider budget for University. Se.19-28:12.
- Norman Thomas speaks. 0.3-28:10.
- Refused of loan of $30,000 during reconstruction period. 0.14-28:8 M.
- Dr. W.L.Poteat speaks at University. 0. 17-28:2.
- R.O. League of Women Voters to conduct an institute of politics at University. 0.26-28:5.
University of North Carolina
- Nomina 0. Awards te for student jobs. Mar.31- 29:4
- 26 fellowships. Ap.3-29 :?.
- Hanes family give $30,000 for founda-
- tion for books in memory of their carents.
- Ap.3-9:
- Stud en tp elect officer?. Ap.3- 29:3
- Roanokife Rati ids wine Aycockcup. Ap '20-
- 29:1.
- Choose leaders for coming year. Ap.24-
- 29:8.
University of North Carolina
- Daggett takes position at Rutgers. May 24-29:12.
- Students receive awards. May 28-29:10.
- University commencements not now what they used to he. Je.2-29:10.
- Finale. Je.8-29:3.
- Sir Feme Howard at University. Je.9-29:10> 11-29:1.
- 298lina t0 haVe library 8chooi. Je.ll-
University of North Carolina
- 28 admitted to Phi Beta Kapca. May 3-2< 8.
- Gov. Gardner speaks at Golden Fleece tapping. May 10-29:2.
- Eighteen members of the Sigma Upsilon fraternity face suspension because of th their Duplication of the bellow Journal. May 14-?9:l.; May 16-29:7; May 17-29:8.
- Students adopy unioue rvlan iomitory government. May 26-29:9.
University of North Carolina
- Mrs. Flora revatt Wilson, mother of three children graduates. Je.16-29:1 M.
- Chase asks for private gifts. Se.30-29:1.
- Raleigh Alumni cheer foot "ball victory. 0.12-29:2,
- Gov. Gardner and res. Chase urge more private surcort for University. 0.12-29: 3.
- University dedicatee new library. 0.20-29:1, 8; 4 0.
University of North Carolina
- Fraternities add many members. 0.23-29
- 8.
- Caxolin officials talk of comments in Carnegie survey. 0.2.6-29S2.
- Canddiai visitors, Hon. Vincent Massey, give high praise. N.?8-?9:4.
- Memorial Fall's fate in "balance. D.15-?9:8 M;D.19-29:8.
- Officers investigating fraternity house fire. Jan.3-30:1."
University of North Carolina
- Junius Parker begins lectures at University. Ap.29-30:2.
- Mrs. Graham K-enan donates #25,000 to Southern historical collection. May 22-30:1.
- Hibbard resigns. May 29-30:9.
- Chase successor 11th president. Je.8-30:1.
- Frank Graham named president. Je.10-30:1.