N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 361-370 of 395 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Congressional Medal of honor to Lt.Eli Whiteley, formerly of N.C. Ag.17-45:2.
- Bronze Star to Pfc. H.D.Rhew, Kinston. Ag.17-45:?.
- Bronze Star to Pfc. Lester Barnaul, Wendell. Ag.17-45:3.
- Silver Star to Sgt. J.V.Berg, Kinston; Navy cross to Lt. P.M.Barnes, Lucgma. Ag. 17-45:7.
- Bronze Star to Pfc. Buck Tew, Kerr, Route 1. A?.17- 45:9.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Bronze Star to S.Sgt. T.C.Admas, Wallace and T/Sgt. J.E.Midfeette, Snep.de Ferry. Ag.19-45:12.
- Ms J. (Jordan Ponder, Olivia, Lee-ion of Merit. A5.21-45:10.
- Cpl. G. E.Grantham, Mt. Olive, Silver Sta and Purple Heart nosthumously; Bronze Star to PfcJ.3.Hathaway, Battleb-oro. Apt.21-45 11.
- Bronze Star to Pfc. M.N.Jackson,Raleisrh. Ag.21-45:12.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Bronze Star to Pfc. J.Q.Garner, Jr., Warsaw. Ag.26-45:9.
- Bronze Star to Lt. J.R. Respess, Pine town; Silver Star to Pfc. W.B. Smiley, Belmont. Ag.26-45:10.
- Hinton brothers, Raleigh, Bronze Star. Ag.26-45:11. Ag.26-45:16.
- Bronze Star to Maj. E.H.Johnson, Coats.
- Cpl. R.D.Murphy, Raleigh, Bronze Star; Two Raleigh men get citations on USS Texas Ag. 26-45:20.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Blanchard Jones, Jr., Raleigh, earns commendation. 5.11-45:8.
- Legion of Merit to Col. William Senter Biltmore. S.1-45:5.
- MeJ. J.S.Hudson, Pollockeville, Silver Star. S.12-45:10.
- Cpl. Clarence (J. Oven, Oxford, Route 1, Bronze Star. S.14-45:19.
- Bronze Star to T/Sgt. George R. Fuller, Jr., Raleigh. S.14-45:20.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Bronze Star to S.Sgt. Henry M.Jones, Raleigh. S.15-45:10. 16-45:2.
- Posthumous awards honor N.C. soldiers. S
- Bronze Star to Pfc. James E.Manning, Jr. Snow Hill, Route 3 and T/Sgt. James F.Cole Littleton. S.16-45:15.
- Bronze Star to M/Sgt. M.M.Allen, Raleierh Route 4. S.16-45:20.
- Bronze Star to T/Sgt. Henry C.Harper, Lenoir county. S.17-45:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Bronze Star to Lt.Col. J.W.Hanna,Raleigh and Sp-t. W.W.Thomas Llllinerton, Route 3. S.18-45:3.
- Sfett. Carlus Christian, Golcisboro, Bronze Star. S.18-45:5.
- Capt. Hugh Johnson, Jr. Raleigh, Croix de Guerre. S.18-45:12.
- Silver Star to Pfc. H.M.Whitley,Raleigh; Legion of Merit to Chaplain Ben L.Rose, F yetteville. S.19-45:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Capt. Will H.Lassiter, Winston-Salem, Bronze Star. 3.19-45:5.
- Bronze Star to Lt. Frank B.Gilbreth, Raleigh. S.19-45:8.
- S.Sgt. Bennie B.Williams, Zebulon Route 2, Bronze Star. 3.19-45:11.
- S.Sgt. Augustus W.Graham, 111, Oxford, Bronze Star. S.20-45:3.
- 1st Lt. Thomss A.Smith, Jr. Atkinson, Silver Star. S.20-45:8. 20-45:11.
- Lt. H.M.Rowland, Clinton, decorated. S.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- S.20-45:13.
- Bronze Star to Lt.James R.Harvard, Apex.
- Maj. Judson B.Smith, formerly Raleigh, Legion of merit. S.20-45:16.
- Bronze St?r to Cmdr. E.B.Grantham, Jr. Rocky Mount. S.21-45:15.
- Lt. Cyril B.Spicer, Jr. Wilkesboro, Silver Star with Oak Leaf and Sr0nze Star. S.22-45:5.
- aronze Star to Sgt. R.F.Plymele, Jr., Raleigh. S.23-45:2.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Bronze Star to Sgt. G.S.Lynch, Washington. S.23-45:8.
- Bronze Star to Lt. W.A.Dees, Jr. Golds-boro. S.23-45:11.
- Bronze Star to Lt. Charles D.Smith, Raleigh. 3.23-45:20.
- S.Sgt. eorge G.Stuart, Jr., Raleigh, DFC. S.23-45:11 X.
- Bronze Star to Pfc. Glenn A.Smith, Fremont. S.23-45:1S X
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- 3"/5 Howard B.Davis, Fremont, Silver Star S.25-45:2.
- Posthumous award of Silver Star to Pvt. W.W.Crumpler, Wayne county and Bronze Star Pfc. M.N.Plummer, Asheboro; Sam William Sutton, LaGrange, Bronze Star. S. 26-45:3.
- Bronze Star to Pfc. W.B.Rhinehardt, Mount Pleasant. S.26-45:7.
- Bronze Star to S.Sgt. Kenneth M.Swindell New Holland. S.27-45:10.