N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 381-390 of 405 results.
Schools - Wake County
- School food program set. N&O, Aug-?-79, 38:1
- School groups protest off-campus lunch ban. N&O, Aug-?-79, 1:6
- Schools to expand anti-smoking lesson. N&O, Aug-3-79, 31:1
- Editorial: Teaching anti-smoking. N&O, Aug-6-79, 4:1
- Vote expected on meal policy. N&O, Aug-6-79, 95:3
Schools - Wake County
- Cost of student lunch to rise in N.C. schools.
- N&O, Aug-7-79, 1:6
- Lunch plan advances. N&O, Aug-7-79, 71:1 Busing puts kids in private school. N&O, Aug-
- 8-79' Reading program expands. N&O, Aug-9-79, 41:7
- Suit aims to reopen Mount Vernon. N&O, Aug-10-
- 79, 33:1
Schools - Wake County
- Two Wake schools to convert to gas from oil. N&O, Aug-10-79, 24:1
- Schools to enforce truancy rule. N&O, Aug-11-
- 79, 6:1
- Schools seek grant for computer-. N&O, Aug-1?-
- 79, I 18:4
- Pupils to learn about bus safety. N&O, Aug-
- 15-79, ?5:1
Schools - Wake County
- Hiring 300 mothers on welfare. N&O, Aug-21-79, 1:1
- Lack of schools plan inhibits building programs. N&O, Aug-?l-79, 27:1
- School judged to have years left. N&O, Aug-71-79, ??:1
- Centralized teaching for retarded studied.
- N&O, Aug-?7-79, 9:1
Schools - Wake County
- Editorial: Sending mothers to school. N&O, Aug-?2-79, 4:1
- Schools' expulsions nearly triple. N&O, Aug-22-79, ?5:8
- Schools may expand care program. Pictures. N&O, Aug-?6-79, I 6:5
- To give helping hand to schools' special students. N&O, Aug-?7-79, 21:3
Schools - Wake County
- Wake County - Schools
- To have fewer students. N&O, Aug-?8-79, 30:7
- No change in student fees in Wake planned this year. N&O, Aug-?8-79, 30:3
- Students must have all shots. N&O, Aug-?9-79, 72:4
- Receives out-of-state applications. N&O, Aug-30-79, 43:7
Schools - Wake County
- Schools orientation set. N&O, Aug-30-79, 45:6
- Child-care program set. N&O, Aug-31-79, 10:1
- Orientation day at Wake schools goes well. N&O Aug-31-79, 37:1
- Burning at school is probed. N&O, Sept-4-79, ?8:5
- School openings begin in Wake. N&O, Sept-4-79, 17:7
Schools - Wake County
- School openings go well. N&O, Sept-5-79, ?3:1
- School board temporarily halts food stamp
- store. N&O, Sept-6-79, 39:6
- Conflict rises over teaching mentally ill
- Picture. N&O, Sept-10-79, 40:1
- Black educator hits hiring, firing. N&O, Sept-11-79, 21:6
- School program OK'd. N&O, Sept-11-79, ??
Schools - Wake County
- Teachers to give reading test reluctantly.
- N&O, Sept-11-79, ?1:1
- Minority teachers increasing. N&O, Sept-l'-
- Schedules dissatisfy students. N&O, Sept-1?-
- 79, '4:1 _. Mn
- Schools move drug program to Barbee. N&O,
- Sept-l?-79, '4:4
Schools - Wake County
- Schools plan building goals. N&O, Sept-12-79, 24:1
- Editorial: Racial diversity in Wake. N&O, Sept-13-79, 4:1
- Teachers of reading are scarce. N&O, Sept-14-79, 29:1
- School topic of magazine. N&O, Sept-16-79, VI-8:5
- 46 Wake seniors achieve ranking. N&O, Sept-16-79, VI-3:4