N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 31-40 of 65 results.
Equal Rights Amendment
- ERA vote close, death penalty isn't, survey shows. N&O, Jan-23-77, I 1:1
- N.C. called key in fight for ERA. N&O, Jan-24-77, 9:7
- ERA proponents hold secret strategy meeting. N&O, Jan-26-77, 1:7
- Ervin opposes ERA once more. N&O, Jan-26-77, 22:4
- Hunt praises ERA, citizen involvement. Pictures. N&O, Jan-26-77, 11:1
Equal Rights Amendment
- ERA foes ponder strategy to get Sen. Ervin here. N&O, Jan-27-77, 1:1
- Opponents slam ERA at hearing. Pictures. N&O, Jan-27-77, 29:1
- Business aid ERA drive. Picture. N&O, Jan-28-77, 17:1
- Proponent says ERA will mend 'gap in constitution?. Picture. N&O, Jan-28-77, 16:3
- 76 House elections good news for ERA. N&O, Jan-28-77, 1:1
Equal Rights Amendment
- Supporters of ERA press for approval. Pictures. N&O, Jan-28-77, 31:1
- The ERA fight: A guilt of arguments. Pictures. N&O, Jan-30-77, I 6:1
- Committee ok is expected today on ERA. Picture. N&O, Feb-2-77, 7:3
- 'Age' vote sends ERA to House floor. Picture. N&O, Feb-3-77, 1:1
- ERA passage urged by Methodist leader. N&O, Feb-5-77, 16:5
Equal Rights Amendment
- Arm-twisting may be key to ERA fate in House. Pictures. N&O, Feb-6-77, I 6:2
- Two opposing views. N&O, Feb-6-77, IV 3:1
- ERA sails past first House test. Pictures. N&O, Feb-9-77, 1:4
- Rosalynn Garter calls 3 N.C. legislators to push ERA. N&O, Feb-9-77, 5-A:1
- Galls from home force 2 to switch ERA votes. Picture. N&O, Feb-10-77, 15:1
Equal Rights Amendment
- ERA war now to be waged in Senate. N&O, Feb-10-77, 1:1
- Senate panel expected to approve ERA. N&O, Feb-11-77, 1:1
- Ervin sees problems in ERA. N&O, Feb-15-77 22:5
- ERA rally. N&O, Feb-17-77, 18:1
- ERA foes may seek more time for hearings. Picture. N&O, Feb-18-77, 17:1
Equal Rights Amendment
- Bill would cut pay after ERA. N&O, Feb-22-77, 16:3
- Kreps urges ERA passage. Picture. N&O, Feb-22-77, 17:7
- Editorial: N.C. women need ERA's help. N&O, Feb-23-77, 4:1
- Ervin exhorts anti-ERA forces. Pictures. N&O, Feb-23-77, 23:1
- ERA vote seen as Senate toss-up. N&O, Feb-
- 24-77, 1:3
Equal Rights Amendment
- ERA sent to full Senate; push on for referendum. N&O, Feb-25-77, 1:1
- Kreps challenged on ERA. Picture. N&O, Feb-25-77, 6:1
- ERA called 'necessary'. -California congress-woman. N&O, Feb-26-77, 20:5
- Uncertainities cloud ERA's Senate odds. N&O, Feb-26-77, 1:1
- All eyes on N.C. ERA vote. N&O, Mar-1-77,
- 2:5
Equal Rights Amendment
- Contest over ERA tightens up again. N&O, Mar-1-77, 1:5
- ERA is just about all state Senators hear. Picture. N&O, Mar-1-77, 1:6
- Editorial: Let's decide ERA in the Senate. N&O, Mar-1-77, 4:1
- Roll call on the ERA. N&O, Mar-1-77, 6:1
- ERA factions held Senators in tug-of-war. Picture. N&O, Mar-2-77, 7:1
Equal Rights Amendment
- N.C. Senate rejects ERA, 26 -24. Pictures.
- N&O , Mar-2-77, 1:6
- Susie Sharp calls to protest ERA. N&O,
- Mar- -2-77, 6:7
- ERA backers plan final test in 79. N&O,
- Mar- -3-77, 31:4
- ERA foes bring roses to Senate. N&O, Mar-
- 3-77, 31:6
- Editorial: Assembly clings to the past.
- N&O , Mar-3 77, 4:1 1
Equal Rights Amendment
- Hunt says ERA defeat didn't hurt his stature. N&O, Mar-3-77, 33:6
- ERA hurt by defeat in N.C. N&O, Mar-6-77, I 3:1
- Senators defend Green over role in ERA defeat. N&O, Mar-11-77, 1:7
- Survey: Men eclipse women in ERA support. N&O, May-5-77, 11:1