N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 31-40 of 133 results.
- Library bookmobile to serve negroes here 8.1-39:8.
- Light on the library by Carl M.White. S. 17-39:4 M. 39:2.
- Librarians open biennial meeting. 0.27-2
- Sanroson library unit Dlan annual meeting N.27-39:11.
- Cerl White leaving University. D.10-39:S
- Wilson library opens formally. D.10-39:4 6.
- 5. Library project will begin soon. D.11-3S New librarian named by Burlington board.
- D.21-39:11. u
- Field library formed by grouo of church? at Broadway. D.23-39:5.
- Northamoton county library board Dicks officials for 1940. Jan.13-40:2.
- Wilson Jayc-es open drive to aid llbrarj Jan.16-40:14.
- Memorial presented to Wilson's library.
- Jan. 21-40:2.
- Study library needs for Smithfield folk. Jan.29-40:5.
- New librarian chosen by Lee county bd. Jan.31-40:3.
- Smithfield library report gain in book circulation. Mar.13-40:5. 40:3.
- Concord voters approve library. Mar.23-<
- Librarian's lament (ed.) Ap.9-40:4.
- Smithfield library without lot seeks resting olace. Ap.10-40:12.
- Vanceboro dedicates new oublic library. Ap.13-40:5. 40:3.
- Charlotte library to reopen Jl.l. Je.4-
- Bookmobile overturns in Johnston county. Je.5-40:14.
- Municiaol library assured by board action at Siler City. Je.7-40:7.
- Program is frafted by library leaders.
- Je.30-40:3 0.
- Smithfield library makes large gain. Jl. 11-40:11.
- Portrait of Miss Frances J. Howerton Dlaced in New Bern library building. Jl. 16-40:12.
- Granville county library workers get new one-year terms. Jl.25-40:12.
- Contributions are sent to Smithfield
- library. J1.28-40:5.
- Movement planned to help libraries. Ag. 15-40:18.
- Librarian named for Olivia Raney Librarj
- Raleigh. Ag.21-40:16.
- Director of library named at Charlotte.
- Ag.25-40:2.
- Hoke county library show gain in year.
- Ag_. 31-40:10.
- Richard B. Harrison celebrating 5th an :t. adversary. N.10-40:3.
- Grounds of Smithfield library beautifiec by Garden club. N.23-40:5.
- State libraries show increase by Marjo rie Beal. D.19-40:3.
- State aid for libraries bill Introduced, Jan.25-41:3. 4.
- State aid for libraries (ed.) Jan.27-41;
- Bookmobile to tour Wake County. F.2-41: 6.
- Richard B. Harrison library gives bedside service. May 6-41:6.
- 41:10. Randleman to open library Je. 26. Je.12-Balley library bd. elects new officials.
- Je.13-41:2.
- County library work discussed in Newton.
- Jl.25-41:10.
- Library projeot urged before Chatham
- board. Ag.8-41:8. 41:7.
- Harnett will buy rural bookmobile. Ag.2 Library in Goldsboro expands its service
- Se.4-41:7.
- Officers appointed for Harnett county library bd. Se.14-41:9.
- Smithfifeld's library serving many persons. Se.18-41:6.
- Bookmobile is secured in Northampton county. Se.22-41:5.
- E.B. Denny is speaker at N.C. Library 3. Association meeting In Greensboro. 0.4-41:
- Miss Shlop appointed librarian at Roxbo-ro. 0.31-41:8.
- Library to hold observance here. N.2-41: New Wayne librarian to take over Novl5
- N.12-41:3.
- Siler City library serves large area. N.
- 25-41:3.
- N.C. Library group to publish bulletin.
- Jan.3-42:3. 3.
- Library groups named for stfte. Jan.4-42 Bookmobile to begin service for negroes.
- F.1-42:10.