N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 31-40 of 49 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- Lt. Thomas Holt, Greensboro, cheers mates in German prison. Je.18-44:7.
- Tech.Sgt. Henry W.Grant, Jackson, German prisoner. Je.18-44:9.
- Capt. Thomas D.Litchfield, Aurora, prisoner. Je.25-44:12.
- Wadesboro gunner, SSgt. Walter W.Hanna, German prisoner. Je.29-44:5.
- Sgt. R.J.Hardison, Williamton, prisoner. Jl.9-44:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- Clp Standi Coley, Raleigh Jap prisoner. Jl.11-44:12.
- T/Sgt. Russell M.Goodwin, Millbrook, prisoner. Jl.19-44:5.
- Former Kinston man, Isiah Kempfster Huff man, is Jap prisoner. Jl.21-44:14.
- Sgt. Francis M.Nine, C?ry, Route 3b, prisoner of Germans. Jl.25-44:8. 4410
- Hurl O'Shields, Shelby, prison-rs.Ag!9-
- Kinston boy, Charles Hunnubgs, prisoner, send messages to kin. Ag. 11-44: 3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- 14-44:10.
- Robert F.Stroud, Kinston, prisoner. Ag.
- News of prisoner son, Lt. Byron Lee John son, received by parents. Ag.16-44:3.
- Lt. Herbert L.GarRis, Raleigh, reported missing, is nrisoner. Ag.25-44:18.
- S/Sgt. John A.Scott, Glen Alpine nail prisoner. Ag.31-44:10.
- Col. Stuart Wood, war prisoner's kin, receives work of him. S.2-44:3.
- A North Carolina club in a German orison S.3-44:13 X. A
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- Pfc. Julian O.Mangum, Wake Forest, Route 3, German prisoner. S.3-44:14 X.
- Airmen freed. S.6-44:2.
- Lt. Jimmy Peacock and Sgt. Jim S.Cobb, Fremont, -orisoners write Goldsboro folks. S.19-44:11.
- Capt. Henry G.Webb, Oxford, writes from Jap prison. 0.7-44:3.
- Be an American first. 0.11-44:4.
- Pfc. William A.Miller, Warrenton, prisor er. 0.13-44:11.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- Lt. A.H.kent, Jr., Rocky Mount, prisoner 0.16-44:10.
- Cpl. Edward S.Coley, Raleigh, heard on broadcast. 0.19-44:16.
- Prisoner's aid highly praised by S/Sgt. Maurice Braswell, Wilson. 0.22-44:12. X.
- Pfc. James C.Barefoot, Dunn. 0.22-44:10
- Lt. Garland Montague, Raleigh, German prisoner. N.26-44:8.
- Nagi prison is school for studying Carolina. D.3-44:2.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- D.15-44:18.
- Pvt. Hubert Broughton German prisoner.
- T/Sgt. Henry W.Short, Mocksville, German prisoner. D.16-44:3.
- 1st Lt. David C.Brothers, Rockingham, German prisoner. D.17-44:3.
- Lt. Harry Fried, Weldon, war prisoner, writes to parents. Jan.12-45:5.
- Pvt. Lenwood D.Edwards, Princeton, prisoner. Jan.14-45:6.
- T/Sgt. William A.Crandell, Stokes, prisoner. Jan. 17-45:2.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- Cpl. Creston H.Rowland, Raleigh, Jap prisoner, writes parents. Jan.19-45:16.
- Pvt. Robert F.Stroud, Kinston, German prisoner writes home. Jan.20-45:5.
- Capt. Ernest L.Edwards, Washington, prisoner. Jan.24-45:3.
- Two Wake County cousins, Creston and Thomas Rowland, in same Jap prison. Jan.3C 45:12.
- Sgt. Charles C.Warren, Newton Grove prisoner. F.1-45:3__
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- Cmdr. Robert C.Strong, Raleigh rescured from Japs. F.4-45:7.
- LeRoy Bowman, U.S. Navy, Jap ptisoner writes dad in Sanford. F.4-45:9.
- S/Sgt. David E.McClenny, Goldsboro, a-warded Air Medal. F.5-45:10.
- T/Sgt. Cleo V.Cummings, Holly Springs. F.7-45:2.
- Pvt. Travis Flowers, Hyde county, freed from Japs. F.11-45:14 X.
- Pvt.Stanley E.Yelverton, Eureka, German prisoner. F.23-4 45:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- Lt.Col.David L.Hardee, Durham and Sgt. James B.Hall, Pilot Mountain, Route 2, 14 rescued. F.23-45:9. 23-45:
- Lt.Herbert L.Garris, Raleigh, freed. F.
- Capt.Walter S.Smith, Lumberton, Route 1, German prisoner; 1st Lt.Woodley C.Warrick, Clayton', liberated. F. 27-45:2.
- W.Carr Hooper, Jackson county liberated
- from Jap camp. Mar.2-45:2.
- S-Sgt. Frank S.Sauls, Garner, German prl soner. Mar. 7-45 :A.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Prisoners
- Pfc. James T.Johnson, Raleigh, German prisoner; Lawrence C.Liles rescued from Japs. Mar.9-45:16. Mar.11-45:5.
- J.G.Lamb, Jr., Asheboro, pepatriated.
- Sgt. Edward G.Smith, Fayetteville and Sgt. Ledrew Norman, Beaufort. Mar.18-45:9.
- Pfc. Lawrence C.Williams. Ma.23-45:13.
- Warsaw family safe. Mar.25-45:9 X.
- Cpl. J.B.Stinson, Goldston. Mar.6-45:3.
- Pfc. James A.Creech, Smithfield. Ap.i-45:5 X.