N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 31-40 of 45 results.
Young Democrats
- Moore County club picks YDC officers. Sept. 13-g: 7.
- SPirited YDC races seen at Greensboro convention. Sept. 13-42 ' 5.
- YDC opening State session today. Sept. 16-W lg.
- Ranks of YDC seem solid on State convention eve. Sept. 17-S: 1
- Tar Heel Young Democrats hear unity plea for South. Sept. lg-lj-g: 1.
Young Democrats
- Young Democrats unanimously elect H. Clifton Blue President. Sept. l
- YDC Heads plan campaign. Sept. 25-4g: S.
- YDC officers named in Rockingham county. Sept. 26-W 6.
- Harnett YDC formed at session in Dunn. Oct. l
Young Democrats
- YDC to organize group In Lendir. Oct. 25-g: 3.
- Wake YDC drive sweeps toward climax. Oct. 26-lJ-g: 2k.
- Sanford man heads revived YDC in Lee
- Oct. 29-W: 22.
- - Virginia Pou elected president of Wake County1e Young Democrat %.
- Oct. 30-g: g.
- YDC hears plea for leadership made by Senator Graham. Je. 12-495 1.
Young Democrats
- George M. Fountain, Jr., seeks presidency of N.C. Young Democrats. Je, 25-49! 3.
- Nash convention set by Yound Democrats. Aug. 9-49: 5.
- Terry Sanford of Fayetteville endorsed for State presidency. Sept. l-lJ-9:21.
- Wake YDC hears Hatch. Sept. 13-49: 15.
- YDC convention will open today. Sept. 15-49: 1.
- Campaigns begin at YDC sessions. Sept. I6-49! 1.
Young Democrats
- Terry Sanford new leader of State Young Democrats. Sept. lg-4-9: 1.
- 1,200 democrats turn out for YDC rally In Guilford. Feb. 12-50: 1.
- Young Democrats plan for State rally. Mar. 22-50: 19.
- Rayburn blasts lfe'Carthy tactics; Graham, Smith, Reynolds speak. Mar. 26-50: 1.
Young Democrats
- More than 1,000 Young Democrats expected to hear Vice-president Barkley. Apr. 28-50M,
- Vice-President challenges GOP to present program in speech to Young Democrats. Apr. 29-50J 1.
- Young democrats back idea of strong mobilazation now. Jiby. 20-50 J 1.
- Political rally hears Umstead. Aug. 26-50: 1.
Young Democrats
- Tar Heel young democrats open Asheville convention today. Sept. 15-50: 16.
- YDC" elects new officers, hears GOP policy rapped. Sept. 17-50: 1
- Tar Heel YDC endorese Trunen, Chiefs of staff'. Hay 27-51: 1.
- Drive to secure 500 young democrats for Wake Club begins. Aug. 23-51: 26.
- Candidates busy at YDC meeting. Sept". 15-51: 1.
Young Democrats
- Nevx officers named by Wayne YDC club. Sept. 15-51: 16,
- Bill Staton cets top post in YDC. Sept. 16-51: 1.
- Jockeying for presidency features YDC convention; Tar Heel candidate shows strengtl Oct. 5-51: 1.
- Tar Heel's YDC chances pick up. Oct. 6-51 1.
Young Democrats
- Whitener loses. 571 to 394, in YDC presides. 4al race. ct. 7-51: 1.
- YDC clubs name project Head. Feb. 8-52: 5
- YDC committe Heads appointed. Aug. 21-52: 14.
- Hew officers named by YDC in Alamance. Aug. 24-52: 7.
- Gaston YDC leader endorsed for State president. Aug. 31-52: 6.
Young Democrats
- William 3. Umstead led YDC move. Sept. 1-52: 20.
- Young Democrats convene at Greensboro for annual convention. Sept. 4-52: 1.
- Party sparring opens YDC meet. Sept. 5-52: 1.
- Pitt Young Democrats pick convention slate Sept. 5-52: 16.