N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 41-50 of 120 results.
American Legion
- Annual meeting in Asheeille. Jl.19-32:1.
- Bryce P.Beard State commander. Jl.20-32: 1.
- Veterans urged to smash G.O.P. Ag.18-32:5.
- Raleigh Leerionaire thinks Stevens should go back to Warsaw. Se.10-3?:.
- Beard installed as legion leader. 0.11-32:1.
American Legion
- Commander Beard names committees. N.3-
- 32:3.
- Address of Commander Johnson launches
- Legion week. N.6-32:7.
- Commander Beard to co-operate in relief
- efforts. N.11-32:2. 11.
- Chamblies raos Economy League. N.18-32: In district meeting at Sanford. D.2-32:8 Margaret Owen wins Lesion contest. D.3-
- 32:3.
American Legion
- Legion Post at Wilson to receive service citation. D.4-32:10 X.
- Durham man barred from Legion. D.14-32:4
- Miss Margaret Owen wins district orator! cal contest. D.17-32:3.
- N.O. one of "bis: ten". Jan. 8-33:9 X.
- Wot 8>ins: aid o Economy leagrue. Jan.IS 33:2.
- Queen student wins oratory contest. Jan. 21-33:1.
American Legion
- 10. Legion service officers here. Jan.24-33:
- Veterans committee of 100 meeting in Graham adopt resolutions opposing appointment to any tmblic office of H.L.Stevens and P.R.Vounts. F.3-33:5.
- Legion officers hold conference in Wilson. Mar.7-33:5.
- State commamder Beard counsels legion to back President. Mar.16-33:3.
American Legion
- 0. L. Garter named commander of Henderson Post. Jl.12-33:3.
- Assemble for annual convention. Ag.l8-33:2.
- Capt. Thomas C Daniels new commander. Ag
- 20-33:1.
- Tar Heel beauty features parade in Chica. go. 0.4-33:2.
- Crowds hear Commander "Edward L.Hayes sneak at Statesville. F.13-34:3.
American Legion
- Raleighy Post resents remarks on Post. May 11-34:1.
- State commander Daniels would confront Raleigh poet. May 12-34:12.
- Daniels "brings charges direct to Raleigh post. May H4-34:l.
- Daniels asks reports on Legion activities. Jl.15-34:2 H.
American Legion
- Raleigh yolture backs Claude Tyson for 40 and 8 honor. Jl. 17-34:5.
- Frown on plan of Legion chief. Aug. 1 34:14.
- Powell elcted head of Raleigh Poet. Ag. 10-34:2.
- Clinton Poet will open legion building. 0.24-34:3.
American Legion
- Wayne Legionnaires name their officers. Jl. 22-34:8 M.
- Legionnaires assemble in Greensboro. Ag, 27-34:1.
- Hut in Albemarle is dedicated by Legionnaires. N. 11-34: 2.
- "Dedicate Clinton lesion building-. 1.12-74:10. 2.
- Olive predicts nayin'' of bonus. F.23-34
- Legion demands for bonus declared just. Mar.2-35:3.
American Legion
- Veterans urge suoportof bunus. Mar.18-
- 35:1.
- Pitt legionnaire hosts to visitors. Mar
- 20-35:2.
- Nation Legion chief warmly welcomed
- here. Ap.30-35:1.
- Pon-nv Ttev receipts ?623.5S. May 30-35:3 Sanford legion dedicates hut. J1.5-35:3 V.C. Ray is elected head of Raleigh Pos"
- JD.12-35: 2.
American Legion
- Capt. Sumner honored by Perquima.n's post". F.23-41:4.
- Legion officers assembly in Fayetteville today. Mar.23-41:9.
- Norwood Post honors Rev. J.W.Smith who is leaving city. 4-41:10. state
- Raleigh negro among nominees forcom-mander of -Negro legion. Ap.l-41:5.