N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 41-50 of 156 results.
Daniels, Josephus
- Armies cost five times a s much as naviei
- Mar.9-30: 5 0.
- Wets cannot agree on any su'bsti tu te
- Mar.13-30 :7 M.
- Dani els aionears as star witness f< 3r dry
- legions. Mar.20-30:1.
- Delegates at London are afraid of f sar.
- Mar.23-30 :8 X.
- Per'hars it Tiay turn out a son?, perhaps
- turn out a eerTon. Mar.30 -30:5.
- Turning calcium lieht on judicial nomi-
- nations. Ap.13-30:10.
Daniels, Josephus
- Mountain was in labor; brought forth a mouse. Ap.20-30:1 M.
- Diplomatic Joe Robinson trying to bring the Wright plane back to America. Ap.27-30:3 M.
- Muscle Shoals the key to fair cower rates. May 4-30:4.
- Naval t>aritv~pcrat> of t>at>er unless much money.is enent. May 11-30:1 M.
- Judicial reform. May 11-30:4 M.
Daniels, Josephus
- Will senatorial togas go block at auction? May 18-30:8 0.
- Last dreadnaught has been laid down. May 25-30:1 M.
- Will Hoover invite Taft's fate by signing the Grundy tariff measure. Je.l-30:5.
- Should naval officers be muzzled by their euDErior officers? Je.8-30:5 M.
- Straw prohibition vote recalls the vote of 1860. Je.15-30:9.
Daniels, Josephus
- ttecent elections show that the south is dry and regular. Je.22-30:7.
- How many times must the prohibition ouestion be settled. Je.29-30:7.
- Contrast between Wilson' and Hoover's dealings with congress. J1.6-30:8 M.
- Origin of propaganda os sneers at the senate. Jl.13-30:5 M.
- Senatorial shadow boxing is hot weather sport. Jl.20-30:5 M.
Daniels, Josephus
- Why the London treaty was ratified. Ag.3-30:7.
- President Hoover's fact finding and sid< stepping commission. Ag.10-30:7.
- State needs to cease nouring new wine ir old bottles. Ag.13-30:4.
- St>eaks at Wenona picnic. Ag.15-30:?, 4.
- "The goblins will get you if you don't watch out." Ag.17-30:5 M.
- Why the world today has no great leader, Ag.24-30:6 M.
Daniels, Josephus
- Salutary probing into selection of judges. S.7-30:6 M.
- Why not have joint debate between Hoovei and Borah? S. 14-30:3.
- Voters are fickle and like to see new face S.21-30:7.
- Should senators accept instructions on their votes? 8.28-30:7 0.
- Already talking about the 193? paramounl
- issue. 0.5-30:5 0
Daniels, Josephus
- No clean-cut issues in the November elections. 0.12-30:3.
- Daniels speaks to Bladen folk. 0.14-30: 8.
- Wet and dry issue a camouflage for privilege. 0.19-30:7.
- What Dr. Nye's X-Tay has brought into
- the lieht. 0.26-30:2.
- Republican administration responsible
- fro Hoover panic.(ed.) 0.?9-30:4.
Daniels, Josephus
- Vote Tuesday may forecast the presidential election. N.2-30:4.
- Road ahead is through adjourning politic N.9-30:3.
- Extracts of address delivered at Ashe-ville Armistice Day. N.l?-30:4.
- Is presidential election forecast by 1930 results. 1.16-30:5.
- Preserving church history(ed.) N.19-30: 4.
Daniels, Josephus
- Average voters of both parties have long memories. N.?3-30:3 M.
- Do straw votes indicate how an election will go? N.30-30:3 M.
- Why does Washington regard an extra session as a blague. D.7-30:S.
- Co-oneration honeymoon has stuck hard snap. D.14-30:?.
- Has Hoover adopted big stick policy? D.21-30:9.
Daniels, Josephus
- Should take woarld court out of cold storage now. D.28-30:10 X.
- Will the New Year usher in a new ooliti cal party. Jan.4-31:13.
- Big railroad con?olidation means more uaenroloy nent. Jan. 11-31: ?.
- Herbert Hoover sure to > renominated next vear. Jan.18-31:7.
- Ip fie nreppnt generation o-iven over t eTOerftition? Jan.25-31:11.