N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 41-50 of 240 results.
Democratic party
- Party will onen office here soon. Ag.20-36:12. 10.
- Democrats plan to start drive. Ag.21-36:
- Charlotte rally to set precedent. Ag.23-36:10 X.
- Open drive next week. Ag.29-36:8.
- Promises as to election laws. Ag.31-36:1, A.D.Polger appointed director of finance, Se.2-36:2,
Democratic party
- Push campaign plans. Se.3-36:14.
- Democrats talk finance canvass. Se.4-36:
- c
- Party libErals to meet Monday. Se.4-36:8 Starve rally In west. Se.6-36:1. se.7-36:
- 1.
- Ralph McDonald to speak today. Se.7-36:1 Party liberals plan campaign in session
- here. Se.8-36:1.
- Meaning of Green Pastures. Se.9-36:1.
- se.
Democratic party
- Plan drive for funds. Se.9-36:2.
- Green pasture rally at Charlotte, President Roosevelt speaks. Se.11-36:1.
- Green uastures and still waters (ed.) Be.11-36:4.
- Sabbath. Se.14-36:1. 2.
- Party chairman named in state. Se.15-36:
- Sanford is host to party rally. Se.16-36:1.
- Democrats open state campaign with big rally in High P
Democratic party
- Rally at High Point. Se.20-36:1.
- 11th district rally at Asheville. Se.22-36:1.
- Winborne calls for big majority at Gas-tonia rally. Se.23-33:1.
- First district rally at Ahoskie. Se.26-36:1.
- Orators reap fo>r campaign. 0.4-36:1.
- Rally is staged at Burlington. 0.6-36:10
Democratic party
- Veteraas organize. 0.3-36:1.
- Fourth district oledges normal democratl vote. 0.8-36:11.
- Winborne says Grissom failed. 0.9-36:1.
- Active camoai:-:n slated in state. 0.11-36:12.
- Hold rally in Moore. 0.12-36:10. 1.
- Second district plans campaign. 0.1.3-36:
- Democrats turn to new voters. 0.14-36:1.
Democratic party
- Bailey derides appeal of Knox in speech at Thrld district rally. 0.15-36:1.
- Rallying of women crowd men off political 'stage. 0.16-36:1.
- Democrats book hundred talks. 0.18-36:1.
- Opens with rally here tonight. 0.19-36: 11.
- Democrats push campaign. 0.25-36:1.
- Hoey apeaker at home town rally. 0.25-36 10 X.
Democratic party
- Leaders attack G.O.P. policies in speecl es in Chapel Hill. 0.27-36:12.
- Morrison and Hoey speakers in Bladen rally. 0.28-26:5.
- Party gosoel to reach remote voters tonight. 0.29-36:1.
- Entertainment. 0.29-36:1.
- Democrats see 276,569 margin in Tuesday vote. N.1-36:1.
- Close campaign tonight. N.2-36:1.
Democratic party
- Vote of upward of 300,000 seen in state today. N.3-36:1.
- Roosevelt landslide; Roosevelt gets gr great majority in state's vote. N.4-36:1.
- State landslide slashes G.O.P.legislative corps. N.5-36:1.
- Democratic win in 1940 appears probable now. N.8-36:1 M.
Democratic party
- Roosevelt's vote sets new record for state. N.13-36:1.
- Unofficial vote gives Eure lead. N.14-36:5.
- Democrats have over $2,000 left. N.22-36:12.
- Official returns. N.25-36:5.
- State certifies electoral votes. D.15-36:7.
Democratic party
- The state press on State unemployment commission appointments. D.22-36:4.
- Plan to put democratic party on business basis. Jan.22-37:1. 3.
- Victory dinners all over state. F.28-37:
- New deal diners hears anti-new -deal aoeech; Aoology for victory (ed.) Mar.4-37:1.
- To cancel Tydings talk with new Victory dinner. Mar.5-37:1.