N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 41-50 of 436 results.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Rep. Garibaldi raises sectional issue in speech at Charlotte! edije. 13-31:4.
- Rules on voting off special tax. Je. 24-31:3.
- Bottler's plan not so simple. Je.27-31:1.
- Bottler8 action on tax now uncertain quantity. Je.30-31:2.
- Property tax reduction theoretically 112,857,149. Jl.16-31:1
Taxation - North Carolina
- Seek injunction in $50 N.C. tax on all trucks selling produce not grown in state Jl.23-31:4. Tax unconstitutional. Ag.20-3
- M'Swain submits ideas on taxation. Ag. 2-31:5.
- Reserve decision on peddler' tax. Ag. 4-31:13.
- S.Clay Williams Bays Tax problem one -for whole public 0.15-31:4.
- Supreme court to hear tax valuation test case. D. 151:10.
- 12 21
Taxation - North Carolina
- No state tax yet for 24 counties. D.
- 11-31:1.
- Tax decrease on schools same as total d<
- crease. D. 13-31:1.
- Fitt cour ity tax relief associati on adop'
- resolutions. Jan.28-32:2 1
- Franklin county tax association holds
- conference. Mar.31-?:3.
- Granville asks taxati ->n chancre. ar.31-
- 32:4.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Mr. Nash speaks on Tax methods and Tax laws before Real Estate bd. Se.7-28:12.
- Tax for electric energy. Jan.18-29:1.
- State income taxes show big jump over last year. Mar.15-32:1.
- State collects 13,000,000 but faces deficit. Mar.17-39:1.
- Tax collections to date indicate enlarg.
- ed deficit. Ap.l-3?-;l.
Taxation - North Carolina
- State loses in two tax rulings. Mar.ol-32:14.
- Franklin county in meeting adopts plat-fm. Ap.20-32: 8.
- Guilford county Taxpayers asso. ask for extra session. Ap.23-32:3.
- Halifax taxpayers call for reductions. Ap.28-32:?.
- W.G. Query says luxury tax justifies itself in S.C. Ap.30-32:8.
Taxation - North Carolina
- At meeting of Wake County Tax asso. demands were made for strict expenditure of tax funds. May 15-32:5 X.
- Franklin candidates give views on issuei lay 15-32:3.
- Anson county tax relief association hear Zefc CJreen. Je. 14-32:?.
- Wayne county Tax Relief asso. urges 25 percent salary cut. Je.20-32:2.
- Federal tax will be widely felt. Je.22-32:1.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Substantial re duction of salaries advocated "by Wilmington Tax payers league. J1.3-32:4.
- Union county League opposes more taxes. Jl.18-32:2.
- Durham county league demands sharp reduction. Jl.19-32:9.
- Iredell county organizes to obtain reduction of taxes. Jl.23-32:2.
- Granville asks further cuts in expenses. Jl.27-32:5.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Taxpayers' groups demand equitable parir ing of all county salaries. Ag.9-355:12.
- Cumberland county objects to rise in rate of tax. Ag.10-32:2.
- Franklin oayere want showdown. Ag.10-32: 6.
- Prof. Hobb8 utters warning in regard to the abolishing 15 cts. property tax. Ag. 17-32:3.
- State has 69 percent of 1931 ad valorem tax. Se.1-32:12,
Taxation - North Carolina
- Union county taxpayers league lament ex ceesiTe taxes. Se.15-33:5.
- Taxpayers supporting inmates able to pay. Se.20-32:1.
- Sheriff garnishees prominent officials. Se.17-32:1. Se.20-32:2. Se.21-32:12.
- Property taxes reduced 20 percent. 0.9-
- 32:1 X.
- Bertie citizens apopt program for tax
- relief. D.10-32:3.
Taxation - North Carolina
- House retrieves bill to stop tax penalities. Jan.17-33:1.
- Hear from home on tax penalities. Jan.li 33:i. Jan.18-33:1.
- Two hundred million dollars of the best property in N.C. exetiroted from taxation (ed.) Jan.29-3:4.
- Where to find it; Scranine: the bottom, (eds.) F.8-33:4.