N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 41-50 of 70 results.
Works Progress Administration
- 8.
- Engineer of WPA to face charges. J1.9-3S
- WPA workers get raises of $2 to $5 by July 15. Jl.13-38:14.
- WPA worker held for higher court. J1.24-38:8 0.
- Load. Jl.27-38:1.
- Humanity keynote for WPA. Ag.14-38:9 M.
- New WPA employment peak is reached here.
- Ag.27-38:3.
- Turns loo'se over $1,800,000. Se.15-38:1.
Works Progress Administration
- Makes Jobs for 559 people. Se.25-38:6 0.
- To supply work for 1,900. Se.30-38:20.
- Personnel. 0.12-38:1.
- $4,000,000 raod program planned by PWA here. 0.23-38:1.
- New WPA orojects will employ 1,169. 0. 27-38:5. 8,
- Newell charges politics in WPA. 0.28-3!
- Four towns get funds for street work. 0. 29-38:12.
Works Progress Administration
- Home survey begun here. 0.31-33:14.
- Relief record. N.2-38:1.
- Allots $97,072 to relieve jobless. N.9-33:14. N.10-38:16. 13.
- WPA makes Jobs for 953 persons. D.l-38:
- Indexing of charters is aoproved by WPA. D.8-38:5.
- Rushes pay rolls for Christmas spending. D.14-38:1.
- Apportions $427,150 in state. D.16-38:22
Works Progress Administration
- 16.
- List projects costing $378,192. D.21-38;
- Makes jobs for 1,216 persons. D.28-38:1!
- WPA in state cuts off 7,000. Jan.10-39:3
- Relief projects given approval. Jan.11-3y: d
- WPA suoervisor placed on trial. Jan.12-Jan.13-39:14. 7 0.
- State allocations announced. Jan.15-39:
- WPA wage (ed.) Jan.18-39:4.
Works Progress Administration
- 39:5. Jobs for 4,000 building roads. Jan.20-Allots 1305,036 for relief. Jan.21-39:1 Funds allotted for 20 projects. Jan.26-
- 39:5. 3
- No'more aliens for WPA in N.C. F.16-39:1 Keeping track of WPA millions is high
- geared book job. F.26-39:3 M.
- Million approved in WPA projects. Mar.2-
- 39:16.
- Coan quits as head. Mar.12-39:1.
Works Progress Administration
- M'Ginnis slated to get post as state WPA chief. Mar.14-39:1.
- WPA post to McGinnis. Mar.16-39:11.
- Reliefers. Mar.19-39:1.
- New WPA chief allots million and takes office. Ap.2-39:3 0.
- Relief rosters pruned by WPA. Ap.6-39:3.
- WPA gives work to 706 persons. Ap.19-39: 2.
- State WPA roll to be cut again. Ap.26-39:14.
Works Progress Administration
- WPA review.of need clears 715 "rom rolle
- May 1-39:14.
- State projects get high rating. May 10-
- 39:12. 5,
- Wake County granted $17,029. May 16-39:J New works total $272,381. May 24-39:3. Boondoggling boomerangs and blesses.
- Je.4-39:3 M.
- WPA changes (ed.) J1.4-39:4.
- State WPA s.es no strike signs. J1.7=9:
Works Progress Administration
- Highest salaries in WPA revealed by-House probe. Jl.12-39:8.
- State WPA Job rolls to be drastically cut. Jl.15-39:1.
- Economy that hurts (ec?.) Jl. 17-39:4. 2.
- WPA dismissals hit wide range. Jl.19-39:
- WPAP disraillsals given in detail. J1.21-39:12. 2
- WPA hands look to private Jobs. J1.22-3S
Works Progress Administration
- WPA education project set up. Jl.26-39:2
- WPAjvacations affect 324 here. Jl.29-39: 16.
- Wayne welfare officer asks industry to do its bit. Jl.30-39:3.
- White collar projects bear dismissal brunt. Ag.1-39:16.
- Combining field divisions. Ag.11-39:14.
- State WPAP workers get $250,000 more monthly. Ag.17-39:1.
Works Progress Administration
- Three areas hit by merger. Ag.23- 39:1.
- Officials of WPA get Hatch bills. S.2-3S
- 14.
- Driving schools graduate 3,600. S.9-39:3
- Consolidated WPA district office slated
- for Raleigh. 3.14-39:20.
- Over $23,000,000 circulat ed through
- state's WPA purchases. 3.15 -39:24.
- State WPA roll increased 3,520. S.20-39:
- $69,000,000 for Carolina defense without
- guns. S.24-39:3 M.