N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 51-60 of 62 results.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Dr. F. T. Harder, Steve Douglas killed In crash at Burlington alrport.
- Jiy. 5-7: 6.
- Plane crashes In Winston-Salem. Aug. Iti-hf. 2.
- James Johnson dies when -rOLane cnashes. Aug. 25-7: 2.
- Plane crashes In Winston-Salem. Aug. lg-lJ-7! 2.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Elizabeth City man dies In plane crash. Aug. lg-s l6.
- Rowland B. Nash dies In airplane
- accident. Aug. 25-7: 3. Navy man killed in plane crash.
- Aug. 19-7: 2.
- Airplane mishap brings big suit.
- Aug. 26-7UK
- One killed, one Injured in Sampson
- plane crash. Sept. 5-47s 3.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Sidney Mack Gale killed In Sampson crash. Se-nt. 6-47: 3.
- Two killed as planes collide over Albemarle Sound. Do v. 3-47 l1-.
- Tar Heel killed In lane crash. Dec. 14-37! 2.
- Helicopter crash kills officer. Jan. 27-43: 14.
- Graham man killed In crash. Feb. 3-4g: g.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Two young aviators killed In crash of alrplalne at Gatesville. Feb. 28-8: 12.
- Three youths die in burning plane. Mar. 15-4g: 1.
- Veteran pilot, GI trainee missing on routine training flight. Mar. 29-45: 5.
- Wife sees crash killlner Durham pilot. Apr. 5-ll-g: 1.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Two Durham fliers found near Graham; search extended to three States,
- Apr. 7-S! 12.
- Two Highway patrolmen killed in plane
- crash. May W-g: 16.
Airplanes - Accidents
- typAnt Airy men killed in plane. Je. 15-46: 2.
- Fayetteville contractor, his niece and pilot die in Columbus crash. Sept. 11-lj-g: 1#
- Man, wife die in plane crash near Candler Oct. 7-lJ-g: 6.
- Erwin officials probe cause of accident that killed three. ct. 15-h.g: i.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Three killed, 36 baill out In Pope Field plane crash. Jan. 15-19s 1.
- Fort Bragg GI's perish in caash. Feb. 7-19: 1.
- Crowds flock to examine wrecked Navy airplanes,in Pittsboro. Dec. 20-16: l$x
- Five planes crash land in vicinity of Pittsboro. Dec. 19-49: 1
- Pilot killed in twin city accident. Je. 12-19: 2.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Pair killed In air crash at Gibsonville.
- Jly. 5-9- 7.
- Pilot perishes In flaming plane In
- Johnston. Jly. 29-9: 28.
- Two farmers die In air crash near Plymouth. Aug. 9-9J 12.
- Aerial wreck fatal to two, near Oxford.
- Aug. 26-4-9: 8.
- Crash kills N.C. pilot near Goldsboro. Je. 25-50: 9.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Mathew Nowickl, professor at State College, 5 others die in air crash. Sept. 1-50: 1.
- Tar Heels killed in crash; fcrmy nurse, Calla V. Goodwin, of Raleigh. Sept. 21-50: 1.
- Fighter plane in fatal crash near here. Oct. 20-50: 1.
- Nine Cherry Point liarines lose live si, in plane crash. FeTo. 8-51: 1.
Airplanes - Accidents
- Tragedy ends mock plane fight in Johnston county. har. 19-51: 1.
- Pilot unhurt in crash landing "burning jet here. Apr. 2-51: 18.
- Sanroson air crash kills GI. Sent. 4-51: 1.
- Asheboro air crash fatal. Dec. 2-51: 1.
- Sanford couple killed in crash. Jly. 8-52: l.