N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 51-60 of 86 results.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Matter for pride and not she hears!ed.) 0.18-32:4.
- Waynef democrats give Gardner big welcome. 0.27-32:1.
- Says Wayne lost millions during republic can administration (ed.) 0.28-32:4.
- Speaks in Leaksville. 0.28-32:5.
- In Ashehoro speech compares cost of governments. 0.29-32:2.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Lashes record of G.O.P. in speech at Roxboro. N.1-32:1.
- Predicts sweeping victory in speech at Oxford. N.4-32:1.
- Assails Hoover threats. N.6-32:6.
- Proclaims week for education. N.6-32:6.
- Talks on farm needs to Grange. N.18-32: 14.
- Thanksgiving proclamation. N.24-32:8.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Speaks over radio from Washington, D.O. on You and your government. N.30-r32:4.
- N.C. plan is lauded by Governor in ej speech in N.T. D.6-32:16.
- Press of state pays tribute to state's Governor. D.17-32:1.
- Probed records of prisoners with help of secret committee. D.22-32:1.
- asked to advise Iowa democratic lolons. D.22-32:10.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Praises new road camps. Jan.3-33:5.
- Gardner to urge ratification of new a-mendment. Jan.4-33:1.
- Frees another banker, N.C. Newbold. Jan. 5-33:1.
- Message to legislature. Jan.5-33:3.
- Friendly administration (ed.) Jan.5-33:4
- Bankers granted reprieves here. Jan.6-33:16.
- Speaks to Iowa salons. Jan.10-3:2.
- #
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Quite as member of Democratic National committee. 0.15-33:1.
- Gardner retiree led.) 0.16-33:4.
- State8 he is for repeal. 0.17-33:1.
- Savs President not turning back. 0.29-33:5.
- Savs he T>uld not accent any federal noeition. Jan.5-34:1.
- Asserts dollars will be cheapened in speech to Raleigh Chamber of commerce dinner. Jan.27-3 1.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- With aviation interests. Mar. 24-34:10.
- Advocates less work and same pay for textile industry. Je.5-34:9.
- Talk of Gardner ap textile head. Mar.10 35:1.
- Chosen to head telephone investigation. ii30-35tl.
- Great onnortunity (ea.J May 1-35:4.
- "In my opinion". May 1-35:4.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Believe Gardener will accept job as textile chief, relieved of Federal Oommun ication commission position. May 8-35:1.
- Speaks for mill owners at World Textile Conference. Ap.3-37:1.
- Pay-off. Ap.11-37:1.
- Must, himself, have been amazed: from the Durham Sun. Ap.l7-37:4.
- Cotton industry due for control says Gardner. May 15-37:1.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Named as cotton adviser. 3.19-37:2. Gardner letter calls for help in regard
- to business situation. N.11-37:1.
- Two roads seen for Roosevelt. D.30-37:1, Sees Roosevelt headed forward. F.1-38:1, Newspaper says Gardner to head stock
- exchange. P.9-38:1. F.10-38:1.
- Decides against accepting exchange post.
- F.12-38:1.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- Disclaims desire for N.C. political power. Ap.19-39:1.
- Confession (eel.) Ap.20-39:4.
- Joviality plus (ed.) Je.3-39:4.
- State College founded here in InsPiring democratic upsurge. 0.4-39:14.
- Uncle Sam can't profit from war, Gardne] says in talk to Rutherford county club.
- Mar.22-40:5.
- Speaker at N.C. Society banquet in Washington. Mar. 26- 40:3.
Gardner, Oliver Max, 1882-1947
- New pclture. Ap.27-43:1.
- Gives post-war picture in speech to Forest City Lions. Je.2-43:2. 43:4.
- Given award as Cleveland citizen. Je.27-
- Hunger started war, Gardner says in talk 4-H clubs. Jl.1-43:8.
- "First":.Will miss one of the first demc cratic state conventions in years. Ap.30-44:1.
- Predicted result of primaries. Je.9-44:1