N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 51-60 of 708 results.
- Farmers from Forsyth and surrounding counties voted for referendum to determine whether farmers want Federal grading on the Winston-Salem leaf market. N.19-36:14.
- Over-ripe (ed. on Judge Meekins decisior on Tobacco grading) D.5-36:4.
- Tobacco sales running behind. D.13-36:1.
- Background for future tobacco compact
- legislature. D.13-35:3 0.
- B.W.Kilgore calls meeting on tobacco laws. D.19-36:7.
- To map program for weed curb. D.24-36:l<
- Endorse tobacco control at Washington gathering. D.29-36:1.
- Size of tobacco crop becomes vital issue as season for planting in 1937 approaches. J.K.Perrett.explains contro.1 in Canada. Jan.10-37:5.
- Tobacco compact bill proposes miniature AAA. Jan. 12-37:1
- Tobacco road (ed.) Jan.12-37:4. Price of weed higher than '35. Jan.13-37:10.
- Hall finds interest in comoact bill. Jan.15-37:18.
- Protection is demanded for "one barn" farmers. Jan.16-37:1.
- Tobacco consumption soaring. Jan.l7-37:
- Poe recommends radical changes in compact bill. Jan.13-37:1.
- Growers for tobacco compact, but ask allotment safeguards. Jan.20-37:1.
- Compact changes planned to aid small planters. Jan.21-37:1.
- W.E. Fenner says crop control benefit to farmer. Jan.21-37:16.
- Minimum acreage written in tobacco compact bill. Jan.27-37:3.
- Tobacco compact safeguards to be shared by commission. Jan.28-37:2.
- Farmers in eastern counties talk tobacco compact legislation. F.1-37:8.
- Tobacco compact measure rushed thru by
- House. F.2-37:1.
- Senators to act on tobacco bill. F.3-
- 37:3.
- Tobacco control passes Senate. F.4-37:1.
- Group will push tobacco compact. F.4-37] 5.
- Lay plans to enlist other tobacco state F.5-37:1.
- Supplementary tobacco law passed quickly in Assembly; Tobacco act O.K., says Hudson, meeting today. F.6-37:12.
- Gov. of Ga. sounded death knwll of any hope for tobacco compact. F.16-37:1.
- Tobacco leaders seek aid from Washington. F.26-37:1.
- Sees starvation prices for biggest weeS crop. F.27-37:1.
- Fenner would regulate sale of tobacco, mar.10-37:11. _
- East Carolina tobacco warehouse association behind new bill. Mar.12-37:15.
- Tobacco sales in state drop. Mar.15-37:
- Ban upon tobacco seed exports hits new snag. Hay 1-37:1.
- Armed farners watch tobacco. May 8-37:1.
- Week crop hit by new menace. Je.l5-37:1.
- Adcock elected marketers head. Je.15-37:14.
- Those tobacco taxes again (ed.) J1.23-
- 37:4. 5.
- Growers to vote on weed grading. Ag.6-37
- Tobacco disease discovered here. Ag.8-37:1.
- Tobacco yield near top mark. Ag.14-37:1.
- Wendell votes for U.S. grading. Ag.25-
- 37:1.
- Two men confess burning tobacco. S.5-37;
- 3.
- 3. Shipes refusing tobacco cargoes. S.8-37: Proprietors of Warehouses. S.12-37:11 X.
- Nine warehouses ready to serve growers at Henderson. S.13-37:8. S.
- Six are jailed for weed thefts. 0.17-37;
- Son of famous auctioneer chants on radic program. 0.23-37:7.
- Smiles over tobacco. N.9-37:1.
- Weed crop tops income for 1936. N.13-37:
- 1.
- Tobacco crop heads agriculture report.
- N.16-37:2.
- Tobacco quote not settled yet. N.21-37;]
- T.B.Moseley once sold tobacco. D.9-37:16 Tobacco control bloc wins House farm bl]
- fight. D.11-37:1.
- Tobacco breaks income records. D.14-37:] Grange would modify tobacco curbs. D.14-
- 37:14.