N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 71-80 of 436 results.
Taxation - North Carolina
- 42:5. Tax collections are leveling off. Hay 1-r Plans for tax schedule. Se.21-42:2. Gasoline revenue shows big drop. 0.1-42:
- Leaders for Carolina/Duke tax Byraposium. N.8-42:4. N.12-42:11.
- Drop: privilege taxes. N.13-42:2. Hair-tearing by.0.Suiter. D.5-42:1.
- Business seek tax reductions. Jan.22-43: 15.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Finance committee cuts number of license taxes. Jan.29-43:1. 10.
- U.S. tax refunds listed for M.C. F.22-43
- Intangibles tax shows decrease. Mar.31-43:14.
- Local united get of $1,200,000"from in-tingible taxes. Jl.30-43:3. 43:1.
- Squint-at beverage tax collection. 0.2-
- Overlooked: licuor tax. 0.11-43:1.
- Tax research bureau sends memo to Ways and Means conrnitjee on timber growers.
- 0.30-43:2
Taxation - North Carolina
- Sales tax only one of big four that yielded nore last month than last Dec. Jan.5-43:1.
- Sales tax only one of big four that yielded nore last month"than last Dec. Jan.5-43:1.
- Refunds. Jn.19-44:1.
- Intangibles. Je.22-44:10. Jl.22-44:1.
- sx specialists heard by i?roup at ffha-ce Hill. N.17-44:9.
- They want tax favors (ed.) N.29-44:4.
- Opposition to Rep. John LeGrand's bill.
- Jailent?:Jan.19-45:1.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Senate defeats proposal to restore theatre tax. Mar.9-45:7."
- Tax record. Jl.30-45:12. Collections of intangible property tax. Jl.31-45:1.
- Facts, not guesses (ed.) 0.30-45:4. 14. Symposium given taxation review. N.30-45
- Income tax. Mar. lg-6: 1. (U.D.)
Taxation - North Carolina
- Tax collection below '4-5 level. Mar. 20-4-61 10.
- State tax study asked of Cherry.
- Mar. 21-4-6: 5.
- waaesboro sets record In collection of taxes. Aug. 19-4-6! 3.
- State leads entire toouth In Federal tax payments. Feb. 14-4-7' 1.
- Record Intangible tax divided among counties. Jly. 30-4-7: 3.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Tax cut estimated to save $69,400,000 for Tar Heels. Feb. g-4g: 13.
- 2,500 Tar Heels get Federal tax refunds. Feb. 9-A4-6S 9.
- Two doctors fined $5,000 each In tax cases. May 7-4g: 24. Judge shelves two tax cases. Je. 10-4g: 2.
- Halifax county votes tax hike. Je. 24-4g: 2.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Exemption of shares in stock in foreign corporations from ad valoren taxation. N&O. Mar.25, 1923. p. 16.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Brooks issues S.O.S. call to People of Johnston county in regard to taxes. Mar.25-31:13.
- Graves, Louis.
- Writes on tax problems of state. Mar. 28-31:10. Morrow, D.F.
- MLean measure heod "all right". Ap.lS-31:8.
Taxation - North Carolina
- Collins, Plato. Reduced taxes Tarboro on land. n. L taxes 19-29: on lana 5. aeclarea a aemaad lowerneces-taxex mass F.24- meeting 29:12.