N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 71-80 of 153 results.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • Two Bessemer City textile mills plan to close operations. N&O, Aug-7-68, 27:8.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • More than 5,000 new jobs in N.C. textiles created in 1968. N&O, Dec-26-68, 8:6.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • Racial integration smooth in textile industry. N&O, Jan-8-69, 19:4.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • Starting salaries high in textiles. MO, Mar-23-69, IV 8:7.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • Federal suits aimed at job bias in textile firms. N&O, pr-9-69, 1:1.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • WUA strikes Elkin's Chatham Manufacturing Co. N&O, May-7-69, 20:4.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • Textile industry turns to Negro labor. N&O, May-19-69, 11.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • N.C. textile industry looking to East for workers. N&O, Aug-31-69, I 6:1
Textile industry and fabrics
  • "Brown lung" plagues textile mill workers. N&O, Nov-16-69, I 1:3.
Textile industry and fabrics
  • Textile union plans action on brown lung. N&O, Nov-24-69, 7:3.