N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 81-90 of 161 results.
Traffic safety
  • State Highway Patrol begin crackdown on speeders and drunken drivers with new detection devices. N&O, Sept-2-66, 1:3.
Traffic safety
  • Gov. Moore and Motor Vehicles Commissioner Pilston Godwin warn Labor Day motorists of speeding and drunkened driving. N&O, Sep-3-66, 31.
Traffic safety
  • Whiteville Police Department cited for efforts in prevention of pedestrian deaths. N&O, Sep-18-66, I 10:6.
Traffic safety
  • A. Pilston Godwin, motor vehicles commissioner, believes more patrolmen need to reduce highway deaths. N&O, Oct-14-66, 9:3.
Traffic safety
  • Campaign to enforce pedestrian traffic laws begun in counties patroled by Troop C. N&O, Oct-20-66, 35:2.
Traffic safety
  • "Bloodshed boxscore" misleading measure of safety of N. C. streets and highways. N&O, Nov-4-66, 7:1.
Traffic safety
  • N. C. safety laws put State ahead in federal standaras for safety. N&O, Dec-7-66, 10:1.
Traffic safety
  • Limited role seen for N. C. Traffic 3afety Council in future. N&O, Dec-8-66, 12:4.
Traffic safety
  • Kinston rated safest city by current traffic safety standards. N&O, Dec-8-66, 16:1.
Traffic safety
  • N. C.'s new safety procedures credited with fatalities decline in later part of 1966. N&O, Jan-11-67, 12:8.