N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 81-90 of 268 results.
Wake County
- List of teachers named for Wake County schools. Se.9-35:3.
- Wake farm women get new market site. 0. 5-35:3.
- Wake foreclosure order hits county officers. 0.9-35:1.
- Wake is ranked as "gold county." 0.15-35:16.
- Victor btonebands protests buying Lake Myra recreation site. 11.3-35:1.
Wake County
- Charle.8 Harris defneds Myra Fark plan. N.5-35:11. V
- Lake Myrapark plan abandoned. N.6-35:1
- Wake tax lists reveal increase. N.9-35:!
- flan building for farm work. D.4-35:2.
- Wake bonds sell at 3 if 2 Percent. D.4-35:14. '
- County jail is unsafe sheriff Turner declares. D.10-35:10. 4.
- Carelessness grows older (ed.; D.15-35:
Wake County
- County officials flayed in grand jury's report. D.14-35:1.
- Tubereulosis hospital for county assurei By WPA. D.20-35J5.
- Wake treasurer is given praise by CM. Johnson. Jan.1-36:14.
- Dispute opinion on county funds. Jan.5-36:1.
- Johnson explains letter praising Mangum
- Jan.9-36:3.
Wake County
- "Buck" is passed among officials as to insurance blunder. Jan.10-36:8.
- Johnson writes chairman again. Jan.10-36:16.
- Looming county deficit brings political threats. F.26-36:14.
- Adams can't understand drop in taxes. F.2-36:12.
- County bd divided in reelecting tax man Mar.5-36:8.
Wake County
- Representation. Ap.5-36:1.
- Wake grand Jury scores officials. Ap.9-36:18. 3.
- County property is sold by Bd. Ap.10-36: Election bd. resinds action. Ap.19-36:1. Election bd. denies permission to inspec school votes. Ap.26-36:12 X.
- Cut taxes now, pay more later. May 6-36:1
Wake County
- Lack candidates for Wake posts. May 7-36:1.
- Wrong time for tax reduction (ed.) May 7-36:4.
- Wake candidates reach even 100 as lists close. May 10-36:1.
- Dr. Ray asks reelection. May 14-36:5.
- Fee law is held invalid in Wake. May 19 36:3.
- May bring suit on registration. May 20-36:10.
Wake County
- Record number register in Wake County. Kay 24-36:1.
- Judge Barnhlll orders ballots used in Raleigh school election impounded here. Kay 26-36:18.
- Turner and Waring win in Wake. Je.8-36:1
- Wake's official vote on state ticket. Je 10-36:8.
- Harris abandons race, Ballentine is nominee for senator. Je.11-36:8
Wake County
- Returns from second primary. J1.5-36:3. Election bd. to probe absentee voting. Jl.8-36:1. 2.
- County schools ask more money. Jl.10-36: Bd. approves hiring teachers. Jl.10-36:8 Tax rate to remain same. Jl.28-36:1. To test charges on tax actions. Ag.12-36 Tax rate set at 75 cts. Ag.18-36:16.
Wake County
- Wake bd. disposes of prooerty holdings. Se.11-36:10.
- S-in contracts for school jobs. Se.26-36:2.
- Turner collects higher percent. 0.10-36: 14.
- Lend huge sum in Wake County. 0.25-36:12
- Wake's official vote. N.7-36:3.
- Official returns for county officers in Wake. N.12-36:15.
Wake County
- Farm folks go visiting on Wake achievement day. N.19-36:7.
- Swain is slated as Board's head. D.3-36: 18.
- Wake's officials sworn; Hoey speaks on program. D.8-36:8.
- Dr. Ray startles board with parting accusation. D.8-36:16.
- Chairman Swain favors uniform county ta: collection system. Jan.5-37:7.