N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 81-90 of 395 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- 43:1?.
- Decoration? won by N.C. aviators. D.15-
- Tar Heels decorated for work on vessels. D.15-43:2.
- Purple. Heart received by Sgt. James Riv-enbark, Teachey. D.20-43:10.
- Mother In Greenville gets sons decoratiq Staff So-t. Linwood Jones. D. 22-43:3.
- Sgt. Grant L.Morris, Bayboro decorated. D. 22-43:3.
- Four Trr Heels get Silver Star. D.3-43: 3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Mrs. Eleanor Sawyer receives the Purple Heart decoration awarded her husband, Foster L.Sawyer, Ed en ton. D.24-43:6.
- Citation forwarded to Sgt. Robert E. Donald's psrents. D.25-43:8.
- Thomas B.CoT)elrnd, Raleigh, receives thd Purple Heart. D.28-43:5.
- Silver Star awarded Frank Rackley, Sold boro, Route 2. D.88-43:5.
- George Nolley, Wilson, receives Purple Heart. D.29-43:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Frank Kelly Ballard, Tarboro, commended by Navy. D.29-43:5.
- Air Medal present to Rich Square boy, 8. Sgt. Andrew A.Oman, now prisoner. D.29-43:
- Msj. Horton Camp, Tarboro, commended for action in battle. D.30-#3:3.
- Lt. John L.Sears, Mooresville, gets Air medal in India. D.31-43:3.
- Decorated: Legion of honor resented to
- Car-center George G.Bethune, Raeford. Jan. 1-44:10.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Purple Heart awarded oosthumous to Henry Edwsrd Herring, Pikeville, Wpune county Jm. 2-44:13 X.
- Raleigh boy, Sgt. eorge M.Spaight, wins air corps award. J~n.4-44:3.
- Decorated: Cant. Samuel Thorne Gregory, Halifax and First Lt. Lloyd White, Raleigh Jrn.10-44:3.
- Staff Sgt. Allie B.Wiittin ton, Scotland
- Neck awarder! T>orthumously the DSC. Jan.11-44:2.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Smithfieia flier, Capt. Gordon Sefton Stevens, receives DFC. Jan.12-44:3.
- Col. Art Rogers receives new decorations Jan. 12-44:5.
- Col. Art Rogers receives new decoration. Jm.12-44:5.
- Master Sgr. Edward E.Bain, Greensboro, gets solcier1s medal. Jan.13-44:6.
- Lt. Glenn R.Hodges of Mrid en, wins Air Medal. Jn.16-44:11.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Goldsboro boy, Cg.pt. Stephen Albert Starr, given DFC for war action. Jan.20-44:7.
- Lt. Robert P.Ross, Lillinp-ton'/-awarddd by Navy DFC, Jan.22-44:10.
- Second Lt. William T.Carroll, Jr. receives DFC. Jan.23-44:12 X.
- Godwin boy, Fleet Jackson, awarded army Silver Star. Jan.24-44:3.
- Decorations presented to North Carolinians. Jan. 24-44: 7
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Sgt. Henry L.Sermons, Jr. awarded DFC in Pacific area. Jan.27-44:8.
- New Bern flier, Capt. John S.Jones, Jr. gets DFC. Jan.29-44:3.
- Tech. Sgt. John Hughes P0llock, Trenton, awarded Air Medal. Jan.29-44:10.
- Navy decorates Comdr. Ernest M.SnfWden Beaufort and Lt. Rotert R.Roas, ILillin-'ton Jan.30-44:5.
- Air Medal awarded to Staff Sgt. Andrew J.Oman, Rich Scu. Jan. 30-44:14 X.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Ensign William F.Ward, W-rrenton, given nosthumous award. Jan.30-44:14 X.
- Citation given Raleigh sailor, John Roy Latham. F.1-44:3.
- Asheboro man get decorations for his son Staff Sgt. Harold T.Lambert. F.2-44:5.
- Tech.S"-t. Corliss Summers, Greensboro, decorated. F.3-44:5.
- Bobby K.Furr, Newton, wins Purole Heart. F.3-44:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Another decoration for Capt. George T. Lumpkin, Louisburg. F.3-44:5.
- Gus Arndt decorated for work in Pacific. F.4-44:1.
- High decoration iron by Charlotte flier, Firrt Lt. Charles Robert Wa.nzer. F. 4-44:12
- Deccrtions awarded for Asheboro youth, Staff Sgt. Harold T.Lambert. F.5-44:10.
- Josephus Rouse of Dover, Route 1, receives Purple Heart award for son Seaman 1st class Joseph Carel Rouse. F. 9-44:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Pubiole Heart awarded to New Bern sailor, Elbert L.Davis. F.13-44:?.
- Bob Rest, formally of Wilson, given severpi awards. F.13-44:10.
- Air medal awarded to Ensign Clifton, Louisburg. F.14-44:6. F.16-44:3.
- Capt. C.J.Ellen, Jr. get Purple Heart.
- Thomas C.Maynard, Cpi-y, Route 1, receive) Pur-ole Heprt with special commendation. F.16-44:3.
- Posthumous p-'7r(. of Purple Heart to
- Staff Sgt. Wlliakam H.Butler. F. 16-44: IS