N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 67 results.
- State federation will stress art. Je. 3-28:1 M.
- Francis Speigat wine prize in art exhibit. F.15-29:8.
- Art contest in Raleigh pnonsored by X Woman's club attracting many. Mar. 19-33:11
- '"inner? In art exhibit. May 5-33:8.
- Raleigh art center opens this afternoon, D.5-35:12.
- Cakes or nothing (ed.) D.6-35:4.
- Art center may he forerunner of N&art museum. Jan.19-36:1 X.
- Fine disnlay o-f art exhibited at "-Flora "cDrmald colleere. F.17-36: 6.
- McLean nraises pictures here. F. 8-38:8
- Asheville longs for art colony. N.3-35: 1 0. 18.
- WPA to conduct art center here. N.26-35
- Folk zrt exhibit will continue here. N.
- 22-36:3.
- Mrs. Huffman seeks to broaden art cente]
- work. F.7-37:1 M. Originals of famous pictures shown here;
- Art convention to be held here. Ap.4-37: 12. At).9-37:22.
- Miss Ida Poteat taught Francis Sneight. Ap.11-37:4.
- Art awards oresented at Charlotte meeting. Ap.11-37:12. 16.
- School art day winners listed. May 5-37:
- Week long art institute set for Black Mountain. Jl.27-37:3. 11.
- Art simplicity subject of talk. Ag.4-37:
- Coker is heard at art session. Ag.5-37: 2.
- Teachers gather in Sanford meet. S.24-37:5.
- Art department of State federation of
- women's clubs start traveling exhibits on tour of N.C. 0.237:1 X.
- ' jfe
- Art. D.7-37:1.
- Gene Erwin new head of artist club. D. 7-37:8.
- State professional artists club conducts its first Jury show. D.19-37:1 0.
- Art club at Southern Pines to hold first annual exhibit. Jan.30-38:7 X. Jan.31-38: 7.
- Exhibit of art will open today in Chapel Hill. D.5-37:8.
- Art contests are held here. F.10-33:15.
- Art competition will close here. F.23-33:10.
- Raleigh sudents win honors in art contest. Mar.20-38:11 M.
- Winners named om art contest; Judges
- see no art in soap sculpture. Mar.31-38:1J
- D.S. Defenbacher connents on WPA art project. May 6-33:20.
- Beaufort gets school of art. May 15-38 1 M.
- N.C. art chosen for exhibit in New York. May 21-38:12.
- University student artists show 104 works. May 29-33:1 M.
- Art conference to open in Blue Ridge. Jl.31-38:2.
- New head named for art project. D.3-39: 12. fc
- Southern arts school to reooen in Raleig Jan.21-40:10. 14.
- WPA art center opened by Cary. S.14-40:
- Music, play close art week program. N.8-40:15.
- Watercolors attract attention in Raleigl N.19-40:5.
- Art week by B.W. Wells. N.24-40:6 M.