N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 178 results.
- Durham reports gains in taxes. 0.4-27:4
- Audit reveals irregularities. Je.20- -28:
- 12.
- Jury exonerates clerk W.H.Young. Jl. 21-
- 28:11.
- Durha m choir school g ets recognition in
- firet s ound picture of kind ever made.
- F.3-29: 5. Durha 10.; Be in Ralei gh Mar.l. F.24- -L.O ,
- a holds funeral or "Bull City"
- slogan. D.7-29;]
- City employes ask salary cut. 0.7-31: 10.
- Hill, M'Lendon may run for legislature. 0.28-31:3.
- Duke U. and Durham share forty years of mutual growth. N.15-31:4, 5, 5.
- FrrVbes utilitv charges. Mar.8-32:10. Mar. 33-33:12.
- Consolidation of city and county goverr ment oes-un. Ap. 13-32:5.
- Problem boys class of Durham vlists Car)-itol. D.18-39:11.
- Federal court room In Durham Dedicated. Mar.20-40:2.
- Asking lower rates of the Durham Public
- Service company. May 4-32:7.
- Durham wealth revels decline. May 18-
- 32 3
- Make reply to power comnany. Ag.5-32:8.
- Durham chamber of commerce receive report on merger plan. D.14-32:2.
- Farley dedicates new Post Office. F.24-34:2.
- Watts Hill asserts Durham is mi streated in matter of relief. Mar. 7-34:2.
- ei
- Durham1 8 protest against re-routing "busses. May 3-35:4.
- Durham Is selling and mnaufacturing center for tobacco. Be.12-35:12.
- Make stirring apoeal for Belief of hungry. Jan.17-36:14.
- Plan to nrovide food for hungry in Durham. Jan. 1-36:1. 7 Croom diractor Durham safety. Mar.6-36: Durham man protests bond issue for parki
- Ap.25-36:3.
- Adopts tax rate of $1.70. Je.27-36.3.
- Adopts anti-noise law. Se.23-36:3.
- Salute to Durham (ed.) Jl.22-37:4.
- Durham close to setting low traffic death rate. D.31-37:1.
- Voted against municipal airport bonds. Mar.2-38:1.
- Durham school board sets building program. Jl.15-38:11.
- Tax rise to help schools. Jl.27-38:3.
- Durham commissioners oppose negro CCC camp. Ag.12-38:10. 1.
- Durham secures Security office. 0.16-38!
- Durham tops Greensboro In Census;ranks third; May 26-40:1. 14 H.
- Durham - City of new South. May 18-40, : Durham is split on bus question. D.iB-
- 40:14.
- 14. Priority given Durham housing. F.17-42: Coincidence occurs in filing deed. Mar.7
- 42:2.
- Heavy police guard stops Durham negro
- outbreak. Ap.4-43:1.
- No arrests. Ap.5-43:2.
- Durham negro gets fine for inciting Ap. riot. May 13-43:7.
- School row. D.3-43:6.
- Another death from drinking canned hert.
- D.9-43:11.
- Supreme court opinion upholds Durham schools in fraternity row. Jan.13-44:8.
- Negroes on police force. Jl.3-44:10.
- Durham police slay prowler. Mar.22-45:8.
- Students stage scholl walkout. May 18-45 17. 45:16.
- Durham building crashes in ruins. 0.26-
- New gains recorded in Durham pay rolls. D.27-45:5.
- Durham honors Duke President. Mar. 2J- J-6: 9.
- Landlord living on lawn, tenant refuses to move. Aug. 13-6: 5
- Durham buildings are razed by flames loss estimated at $75,000 to $100,000. Apr. 7-7s 2.
- Durham obtains cancer center. Jan. 20-14-9. 16.