N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 232 results.
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- N. C. - Elections - Governor
- Preyer: regain states rights with "forceful leadership," N&O, Nov-1-63, 22:5, hunting Lake Mattamuskeet, illus, Nov-9, 1:2, N A (Nat) Townsend, Jr, Raleigh atty, campaign mgr, biog, int, por, Nov-11-63, 1:6, advocates fee-free schools, Nov-13, 16:3, favors rd bond issue, no additional taxes, Nov-15, 45:7, urges cities in Piedmont to prepare for growth, s, Winston-Salem, Nov-19,13:5j Nat Townsend, mgr, press conf, por, Nov-20-63, 1:2, campaigned, Herbert C Bonner bridge penning,Nov-21, 1:2, moder
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Lake: "Call this ultra-conservatism is you will -that's my stand," N&O, Nov-2-63, 7:7, indicates will run, por, Nov-5, 1:7, comments on his running, Nov-11, 1:6, will annettflOt plans, Nov-25, Nov-19, 19:2, criticises Pres Kennedy, Nov-20, 9:1
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Moore: Repr A L Lennon, D-NC, gives support, N&O, Nov-3-63, II 9:lj states major issues, Nov-4, 6:7> 12:1, favors school bond issue, but not as campaign issue, Nov-6, 1:2, favors 40-hr wk for state employees, Nov-8, 12:2, comments on textbooks, Nov-10, I 11:1, "cannot advocate outright repeal" of Gag Law, Nov-22, 3:2,
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Preyer: comments on textbooks, N&O, Nov-10-63, I 11:1, thinks rds will be no 1 issue, por, Nov-24, I 9:1
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Scott: undecided about candidacy, N&O,
- Nov-10-63, I 11:1
- Badgley: Rep candidate pays filing fee, biog,
- int, por, Nov-15-63, 1:7, ed, Nov-17, 4:1 Burleson: comments on eggs, Nov-15-63, 32:6 Tough primary expected, Nov-24-63, I 1:2 Campaign may be reshaped by Pres's death,
- Nov-27-63, 1:7
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Preyer supports literacy tests for voters, N&O,
- Jan-l-64, 24:5, apptd C A Clay, press aide, Jan-
- 2, 1:6
- Moore apptd Bill Johnson, press aide, Lake
- had not apptd press aide, Jan-2-64, 5:4
- Preyer apptd H HolderneoS campaign finance
- chran, Jan-3-64, 1:2
- R w Scott considering candidacy, Jan-3-64, 1:1 Preyer lauds rural co-ops, Jan-5-64, I 18:7 Mrs G Maddrey, State Women's Campaign for
- Preyer mgr, headqrs Carolina Hotel, Jan-5-64, 17 4:3
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Preyer explains plea for Scales, por, N&O, Jan-7-64, 1:6
- R W Scott not a candidate, illus, Jan-8-64, 1:2, comments by 3 gubernatorial candidates, Preyer, Moore, Lake, Jan-8, 1:6
- "Moore for Gov Young Voters' Program," headed by Sherron, and Knox, Jan-9-64, 6:1
- Preyer among 35 N Carolinians petetioning for Scales, Jan-9-64, 1:1, 1:6, Lake criticises Preyer again, Jan-10, 1:6
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Lake, Moore and Preyer and Gov Sanford praised Pres Johnson's State of the Union message, N&O, Jan-lO-64, 34:6
- Preyer apptd Art Weiner to head voter drive among young business, professional, and community leaders, Jan-ll-64, 1:3, Jan-23, 28:5
- Dems all, Lake, Moore, Preyer, illus, Jan-13-64, 5:2
- Moore raps Preyer and Lake, Jan-14-64, 3:6
- Lake supports "Speaker Ban," Jan-15-64, 17:4, criticises Gov Sanfordfecivil rights policies, Jan.6 1:7 A
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Preyer barbecue rally, N&O, Jan-l6-64, 17 Lake outlines states rights plan, Jan-16-64, 23:5
- Farmers for Moore orgn formed, Jan-17-64, 2:1 Gov oanford replied to Lake on civil rights issue, Jan-17-64, 17:3
- Preyer denies any alliance with Gov Sanford, Jan-18-64, 3:7
- Moore approve revival of Dixie Classic, consolidation of university, Jan-18-64, 18:4, pledges campaign from Manteo t ) Murphy, Jan-19, I 6:3
Elections - North Carolina - Governor
- Preyer's campaign kick-off rally, Greensboro: 3,000 may attend, N&O, Jan-20-64, 10:5
- Moore says Preyer "chosen," Jan-21-64, 5:5
- Preyer rejects tax lures for indus, Jan-22-64j 3:2
- Moore outlines plans for indus, Jan-23-64, 23:4
- Preyer rally: celebrities will appear, Jan-23-64, 25:6
- Lake approves revival of Dixie Classic, Jan-24-64, 1:1
- Lake appts G A Penny press aide, Jan-24-64, 2:2.