N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 14 results.
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- Federal collections register increase. M.S-87T-2.
- N.C. first in per capita tax receipts. D.S-27:1.
- Little increase in income taxes. Jan. 21-28:5.
- North Carolina is third state. F. 7-28:
- 7
- State now third in federal taxes. J1.9 28:i
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- Federal taxes pass mark of $200,000,000. Je.23-27:13.
- Tax figures for state revealed. Je.27-27:1.
- North Carolina stands seventh in total of income taxes paid to Federal government Je.28-27:11.
- State again' first in miscellaneous taxes. Jl.14-27:12.
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- State may go to third place in federal taxes. Ag.2-27:1.
- Publish refunds of federal tax. Jan.l-
- 2 8! 2.
- Federal revenie increases again. Jan.4-
- 28:?.
- State second in tax collections. May 2-29:1.
- U.S. Tax collections are over 254 million for this year. J 30-29:1.
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- Total of 33,398 taxed on income. N.8-29:7.
- State naintaine 2nd place in federal tax collections. D.929:1.
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- N.C. Federal taxes i.
- State continues third in revenue collec-
- tions. d10-28:1.
- Tax refunds for N.C. i D. 28-31:3.
- Biggest gain in tax cc 11 ection. Je. 2-27:
- 8.
- .Raynolds company's tax refund largest in Nation. D.28-28:1.
- Refund over million in Cannon income
- levy. D.27-29;7.
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- Revenue receluts show large gain. Se.2-2 36:11.
- This is a nation (ed.) N.24-37:4.
- More taxes. Jan.5-38:2.
- Quarter million dollars refunded state taxpayers. Jan.27-33:8.
- Federa.l taxes refunded here. Jan.25-37:2 Roberton reports revenue increase. Ad. 2-
- 38:2.
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- U.S. Tax collections in state continue c dip. D.2-38:16.
- $12,000,000 less. F.4-39:5.
- U.S. tax collections set at $21,986,396. Mar.2-39:8. 39:5.
- Federal collections in state down. 0.4-
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- Federal taxes on state pay believed due since 1926. May 29-38:1.
- M'Mullan doubts passage of bill. May 31-38:10.
- U.S. tax collections in state on decline Je.2-39:16.
- U.S. tax collections continue to increase. D.2-39:3.
- Federal collections down in Se. 0.2-38:1
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- Tax collections show huge gains. Je.30-40:10.
- Collections up. 0.2-40:7. Collections soar. N.3-40:3. Revenue up. D.3-40:2. Collections soar. Jan.3-41:14. $70,000,000. Jan.22-41:2. 4.
- Federal revenue mounts in state. P.2-41
- Continue to gain. Mar.2-41:4 0.
Federal taxes - North Carolina
- Income taxes, liar.22-41;5. 41:2. U.S. Collections in state mount. Mar.23-Highest yet. Jl.l-41:5. Revenue rises. Jl.21-41:1. 41:7. State paid more in federal taxes. J1.21-Taxes roil in. N.4-41:3. 7
- Federal revenue higher in state. D.2-41: Revenue collections far above 1940 mark. jarK3-42:3.