N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 14 results.
Hosiery mills
- N.C. hosiery mill studies stocking's history. Se.3-31:4.
- Mebane mill running full time; 25 percent raise given by Hickory mills. Je.9-33:2.
- Southern Hospiery Manufacturers associa tion is organized in Asheville. Jan.28-34:2.
- Accord reached on hosiery code. J1.18-35 7
Hosiery mills
- Hanes abandons forty-hour week. Mar.8-36:1.
- Hanes concern defends position. Mar.10-3 36:1.
- Mill men opnose action by Hanes. Mar. 11-33:5.
- Emect accord in mill trouble in Avalon plant at Elizabeth City. Mar.18-36:10. Mar.19-36:7. X.
- Hosiery mak.rs seek agreement. Ap.5-36:12
Hosiery mills
- Sec. of the Southern Hosiery manufactur. ers said the sentiment is against hose price cut. Jan.10-36:7.
- Starying up (ed.) Jan.11-36:4.
Hosiery mills
- Mills to reopen at Kernersville. Je.10-36:14.
- Hnes hosiery mill workers call off strik Je.23-36:8.
- Elizabeth City mill to restore NRA regulations. Ag.23-36:10.
- Hosiery boom seen in Hickory's mills. Jan.6-37:14.
- Mill is planned by Cole family. Jan.23-37:6.
Hosiery mills
- High school pupiles work in Wilson mill. Jan.29-38:5.
- New Yorkers file suit for Albemarle plant. Ap.6-3S:8.
- Hosiery workers to gather tod.-y in Charlotte. May 2-38:7.
- Union committee off for Capital to make personal appeal for wage-hour bill. May 4-38:2.
- Union promises aid to strikers in High Point. May EmQ 5-38:19.
Hosiery mills
- 2.
- Broad campaign urged on union. May 6-33:
- Writer pictures South1s vassals. May 7-33:1.
- Hosiery mill craw allied Industries. Jl. 7-37:2.
- Mock-Judson Voehringer Co. of Greensborc declared guilty by the National Labor Relations bd. Jl.9-38:3. 7.
- Hosiery worker drive objective. J1.11-3S
Hosiery mills
- Hosiery makers ask change in labor act. Se.19-38:3.
- N.C. gains new hosiery business. Se.28-38:12. "
- High Point company to quit misbranding. N.26-38:3. 5.
- New Aberdeen mill to open soon. Mar.8-3$
Hosiery mills
- 5.
- Eight mills get learner's rates. 3.7-39:
- Hosiery makers choose officers. S.11-39: 3.
- Hosiery plants in Greenville, Fayette-ville and Conover closed by war. Je.23-40; 8 M.
- Directors favor merger of McEwen Knitting Go. and May Hosiery Mills. Jl.16-40:?
- High Point workers object to mill's plar Ag.30-40:3.
Hosiery mills
- Harnett Hosiery mill, Dunn, worth $10,
- 000 brings only $1, 152. Ap.24-41:14.
- Dunn mill will reopen today. May 12-41:' Silk mills hooe to keeo running. Ag.4-
- 41:1. 3.
- Priority rights asked for mills. Ag.5-41 Burlington hosiery mills begin half-time
- operation. Ag.8-41:6.
- 0PM closes door at M'Crary mill, Ashe-
- boro. Ag.9-41:2.