N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 74 results.
Infantile paralysis
- Reach new high level with 134 total. Je 15-35:1.
- Large meetings cancelled as paralysis toll climbs. Je.23-35:1.
- Harvard exnert arrives for study. Je. 28-35:13.
- disease and state lines (ed.) Jl.6-55:4
- Dr. Leake warns against, too much faith in polio serum. Jl.9-35:1.
Infantile paralysis
- Seven children have paralysis. May 23-35:1.
- Health service is not alarmed. May 26-35:1.
- Federal health specialist to study para! vsi8 here. May 30-35:14.
- cealth od. warn? of quacks. Je.6-35:1?.
- Cases from western comties. Je.12-35: 5 Testing monkey vaccine for infantile paralysis. Je.15-35:1.
Infantile paralysis
- Dr. Knox hones eoidemic now on decline.
- Jl.15-35:11. IS.
- Folio treatment funds sought. Jl.23-35:
- Bland is shown in polio record. Ae.14-35:1.
- Forty liver lost in polio scourge. Ag. 16-35:16.
- Fublic health officer lifts ban. Se.7-35:1.
- Closes Charlotte school. 0.8-35:16.
Infantile paralysis
- Dr.-:-Reynolds warns of polio danger. Je. 21-39:14.
- Information (ed.) Je.22-39:4. Northeast now has most polio. 0.18-39:2
Infantile paralysis
- Drive for dimes is started here. Jan.24-39:5.
- Dimes to march against infantile oaraly-sis here today. Jan.28-39:12. Jan.29-39:]
- Winners rewarded in Wake's march of the dimes contest. Mar.19-39:3.
- $755 raised for Wake uaralysis fund. May 4-39:12.
- Dr. Raynolds denies disease reports. Je,
- 13-39:2.
Infantile paralysis
- Dr. Alexander Webb Jr. heads paralysis
- campaign. D.27-40:IS.
- Additional chairmen named in polio drive
- Jan.5-41:5. 41:3.
- Brou:$hton joins anti-polia drive. Jan.l Methodist and Catholics join "March of
- dimes". Jan.15-41:16. 20.
- Volunteers help polio drive. Jan.17-41: Cafes will aid polio campaign. Jan.23-43
- 14.
Infantile paralysis
- Solicitation begins today in March of Dimes drive. Jan.25-41:1. Jan.26-41:5.
- Catholics win March of Dimes. Jan.23-4] 10.
- Victory grins. F.1-41:3. 10.
- March of dimes receipts listed. F.9-41: Lee oolio campaign nets total of $514.
- P.16-41:3.
- Harnett county gives $244 for polio
- fight. F.28-41:20.
Infantile paralysis
- 9. Poyner to head paralysis drive. D.30-41: Anti-polio drive in N.C. planned. Jan.l-
- 42:3. 6 0.
- Chairman named for FR birthday. Jan.4-42
- Appeal is made in annual drive, Brough-ton speaks. an.11-42:4.
- President's wife to attend Orange county ball. Jan.17-42:2. 6.
- First dime in March of dimes. Jan.18-42:
- Wake opens drive. Jan.19-42:12. Jan.24-4 42:5. a.
Infantile paralysis
- Polio cases bring closing of Fayette-ville schools. N.17-39:11.
- William R.Rand will head Wake polie campaign. D.12-39:14.
- County clans campaign on infantile oara] ysis. D.21-39:16.
- Orohans will aid agin in march of dlres here. Jan.22-40:12.
- Anti-Toolio funds go above $1,000. Jan.3 40:7.
Infantile paralysis
- Thieves get $50 from Elizabeth City dime fund. Jn.31-40:10. 5.
- Thieves a;et $50 from Elizabeth City dime fund. Jn.31-40:10. 5.
- Birthday ball raises $1, 608;64. Ap.4-40:
- Infantile paralysis fund aids Wake County needy. Mar.13-41:20.
- Fun reaches $25, 514. Ap.13-41:3 0.
- Mathodist take paralysis trophy. Jan.25-42:3 0.