N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 48 results.
Louisburg College
- Main building burns. D. 3-28:1. To rues work on College edifice. D.7-28:3.
- Finals. May 28-29:12.
- Mohn resigns a6 president. Ag.9-29:14. Preserving apprearance of Louisburg College. Se.1-29:6.
- CO. Alexander heads College. Se.6-29:]
Louisburg College
- Recognize honor won by Dr. Mohn. p. ?., Feb.18, 1927.
- Dr. Mohn resigns as collet head. J1.30-27:4.
- Desire retention of Dr. A.W. Mohn. Ag. 7-27:4. M.
- Mohn considers staying longer. Ag.15-27:3.
- Mohn to direct expansion drive. Ag.29-27:10.
Louisburg College
- Wright dormitory dedicated; $50,000 given for poor Girls. p.l, Nov.24, 1926.
- Finals. May" 22-38:3.
- R.E.Wright makes gift to College. May 24-28:1.
- Methodist nlan drive for school. N.18-28:4 0.
- President Mohn wants churches to give $350,000. D.2-28:11.
Louisburg College
- Has brilliant finals. May 29-27:7 (Ed. see.)
- Mohn receives warm welcome. N.9-27:17. Oldest building burns. Mar.29-27:12. Methodist church will not assume debt of College. 1.23-30:1.
- Lengthening shadows of a Fister gone: poem by D.TTewsom read at dedication of
- Pattie Julia wright domitory. N.25-26:8.
Louisburg College
- Will plead its right to live. N.24-30:] Decide to keep same resident. D.3-30: 8.
- Old College is facing crisis. D.14-30: 1 M.
- Wilcox is named president. May 1-31:12, 8cmthertl coarvatory of Music to con-bine with Louisburg College. Je.18-31:3.
Louisburg College
- Finds use for model T.Fords. 0.11-36:1 C
- Name Earnhardt head of College. Mar.19-37:1.
- Colleg surveys year of industrial art work. Je.13-37:1 M.
- Makes forward strides. Jl.4-37:8.
- For Louisburg College (ed.) Ag.4-37:4.
- Ranks with oldest U.S. schools. Ag.15-37
Louisburg College
- Enrolls 30,000 In its 150 years. Ag.l-
- 37:1 0.
- Louisburg is successftll with self-help
- plans. Jan.30-38;4 M.
- Spelling name Lewisburg. Ag.17-38:16.
Louisburg College
- President D.E. Earnhardt gives his resignation. Ap.4-39:8.
- Louisburg board names president. Ap.16-39: 6 0.
- Refuses Japs. Dec. 20-42: 3.
- Increases number of trustees. N.17-43:5.
- Fire destroys heating plant. F.1-44:2. Group to made survey" at College. Mar.22-45:10/
Louisburg College
- Movement begun for Fatten scholarship. Mar. 11-17: 7.
- Louisburg Board seeks President. Mar. 15-$7: 2.
- Louisburg Board deciding Malone resignation today. May 20-17' 3.
- Louisburg Board accents E. H. Malone resignation. May 21-17: 2.
- Samuel M. Holton named resident of Louisburg College. Jly. 25-17! 1.
Louisburg College
- Samuel Holton Inauguration marks l6lst annual commencement pi'ogram. May 25-2>: 1.
- Firm donates fl,000 to Louisburg College. Mar. 5-9'- l4,
- Louisburg's record old, progressive. May 15-9: 5-V.
- Louisburg holds finals, (list). May 31-9: 3.
- Five persons jojrn faculty.
- Aug. 27-9: 13.