N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 20 results.
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- Noted speakers for finals.
- p. lr Mar. 7, 1927
- Says state has been very liberal to N.C.C.W. D.15-26:12.
- Hear Sen. George Je.5-28:13.
- College raises Question of cigarettes. Ap.14-31:11.
- Books on women in modern world. Jan.22-33:7.
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- Dr. W.P.Merrill finals preacher. Je.S-27:2.
- Judge Tovmsend tells graduates to lend their aid. Je. 7-27:1.
- Finale. Je.8-29:?.
- Wanted: able woman (ed.) Je.l&34:4.
- Dr. Geneva Drinitwater chosen as Dean of Women. J1.22-34:6 X.
- Alunnae oresent College building. Je.6-37:2.
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- Woman's College to have birthday. 0.3-37:3. M.
- Adopts new government system. 0.24-37:2
- Vegetable sales send girl thru College. N.7-37:4 M.
- Woman's College keeps track of its graduates who engage in mission work in foreign lands. D.5-37:6 M.
- Miss Gordon and Mr. Allen Tate to join faculty. Jan.l-38:3.
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- Zeke still hard at work oiling wheels of College. 0.3-38:5. 5.
- School will pay founder tribute. 0.5-38: 0.6-38:2.
- College will honor memory of Miss Etta Spier. N.20-38:3. 40:13.
- Officials named by alumnae head. Mar.15-
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- 12. College honors M'lver's memory. 0.6-39:1 New science building ready for use. F. 4-40:10 X. 40:8.
- School teceivec $1,000 valentine. F.14-Woman's College oaoer receives honor rating. Ap.24-40:10." 6.
- Alumnae warned of divided ranks. Je.9-4C Degree awarded to Mrs. Daniels at Commencement. Je.11-40:1.
- Objective of state teachers training. May 18-40:7 D.
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- Art sfihool flourishes now at Woman's College. 0.13-40:3.
- Organization formed by Catholic students N.22-40:7.
- Missing girl is located; believed vlctin of drug. D.2-40:10.
- Woman's College expands psychology work. D.15-40:1 M.
- To observe 50th anniversary. F.16-41:5. F.19-41:1.
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- Woman's College has unique record in national defense. 3.22-40:8 M.
- Self-help helos. F.28-41:6.
- Students select officers. Mar.16-41:5.
- Library grows. Ap.6-41:3.
- Dr. winfield H.Rogers acoointed to facul ty. Ap.6-41:6. 8 M.
- Women students maintain faith. Ap.27-41:
- De. E.McNeill Poteat speaks. Je.2-412.
- 390 get degrees. Je.3-41:12.
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- Woman's College drafts plans for 50th anniversary. Je.22-41:5 0.
- Dormitories are named. Se.21-41:4.
- Elizabeth Irwin, third generation at Woman's College. Se.28-41:3. 10 M.
- Born in Japan, meet at College. 0.5-41:
- Where're going, my pretty maid? 0.12-41:
- 3 3.
- To open religious program today. 0.20-41
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- 12.
- Woman's College opens fruit bar. 0.27-41
- Old and new on camous at Woman's College N.6-41:8.
- Mrs. T. Moody Stroud gives work to Library. N.30-41:10.
- Library receives Gov. Holt manuscript. D.7-41:10 0.
- Qjsffls pracrice stretching pennies in
- practice house D-14-41:G -
North Carolina College for Women (N.C.W.)
- 22-42:3 C
- Play to feature College celebration. F.
- Mrs. Dickinson named alumnae head. F.23-42:8. 42:3.
- Students get new monitor system. Mar.22-
- Morley's story. Mar.29-42:6.
- Woman's Collge offers Navy southern favor in cook book. Ap.12-42:6 M.
- Three books memorialize half-century
- of College. May 24-42:3.
- Truett to speak at finals. May 31-42:7.