N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 22 results.
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- Gov. endorses Judge Parker for Supreme court of the U.S. 0.9-42:1. 6.
- Tar Heel is seen as likely Judge. 0.9-42
- Dramatic decision upholding the right of members of Jehovah's Witnesses sect to decline to salute the flag. 0.9-42:6.
- Speaks on court's Justice. 0.21-42:12.
- Court to review flag-salute case. Jan.5-
- 43:i. Ea- Jan.6-43:4.
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- Parker's boom gaining power. Mar.15-30! 2; Mar.17-30:1.
- Cam Morrison joins in Parker Boom. Mar 18-30:1.
- Appointed Supreme court justice by Hoover. lar.22-30:1.
- Mo obstacles3 in pafh of Parker. M3.?3. 30:1.
- Think Justice Parker to join liberal court wing. Mar.24-30:1.
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- Labor brotherhoods open attack on Judge
- Parker. Mar.26-30:1
- 1 arker not the man say? the Washington
- News. Mar.27-30:4.
- Organized labor to onoose Parker. Mar.
- 29-30:1.
- Parker Sparine? occur thiF week.Mar. 3(
- 30Parker caer holds snotlight. Mar. 31-30
- 1.
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- led.)
- Parker ana the fraud cases. May 3-30:4 Want Parker to run for senate. May 8-
- 30:9.
- Speech of Jonas injected politics into Parker fight. Mau 9-30:1.
- Old guard launch drive for confirmation. Ad. 30-30: 1.
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- Labor chiefs join hands to fight barker. Ap.2-30:1.
- Communist party joins in fight against Parker. Ap. '6-60:1.
- People'b service onnoses Parker. Ap.5-
- 30:3.
- Sub-committee listerns to witnesses opposing rnrker's confirmation. Ap. 5--,:!;n: 1.
- Green givee reasons for his oorosition to Pa.rker. Ar.5-30:7 0.
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- Fear Parker now facing danger of defeat in senate. Ap.13-30:1.
- Hoover comes to defense of Judge Parker, Ap.14-30:1.
- Parker approval uo to democrats. Ap.16-30:1.
- Want Parker nomination carried over to December. Ap.17-30:1.
- Senator Watson wants Judge Parker to
- apoear for examination. Ap.18-30:i
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- Porker, John J
- See "Yellow dog' contract involving
- Parker. Ap.7-30:1
- Parker protests grow in volume. Ap.8-
- 30:1.
- Heoort likely Monday. Ap.10 -30 2.
- President backs Parker propc sal ; Bitter
- neero attack on Parker scares senators.
- Ap.12-30:1.
- Distressed republican s want Parker to
- appear for senate examination. > Ap. 19-30:1
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- Parker, John J
- Much confusion as to Parker negro speeches. Ap.19-30:1.
- The why of Judge Parker (ed. ) Ap.19-30:4.
- Willing to face judiciary committee; Facte about negro protest aerainst Parker. Ap. 20-30:1.
- Chances of confirmation dimmed by actioi
- of committee. Ap.22-30:1.
Parker, Judge John Johnston
- Looking both ways (ed.) Ap.20-30:4 M. Federation nead delivers attack on Judg< Parker. Ap.21-30:1.
- Battle scheduled to open in senate Monday. Ap. 23- 30:1.
- Negroes in Raleigh sign Parker affidavits'." kp.34-30:15.
- Outlook for confirmation of Parker not
- improving. Ap.24-30:1.