N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 46 results.
Political advertisements
- G.O.P."benediction and Word picture of the real Tammany by R.1Y. Winston. 0.17-28:5.
- Democratic anti-Smith speaker, R. L.Owen. 0.18-23:5.
- Bryan.' Wilson.1 Simmons! No danger to follow these. 0.22-28:8.
- Tammany democrats raise negro issue. 0.27-28:10.
Political advertisements
- What does Al Smith stand for? by Z.V. Turlington. Je.8-28:13.
- Great Anti-Smith democratic rally at Hew Bern. 0.11-28:12.
- Democratic anti-Smith column. 0.15-28:
- 2.
- Republican party is the deadliest foe to honest government in America by W.T. Gregory. Se.12-28:5.
Political advertisements
- Senator Simmons has never led the democrats of N.C. wrong yet. N.3-28:9.
- What the New York World said about r. Hoover in 1320. N.4-28:9 0.
- "Sharker than a serpents tooth is vile ingratitude". N. 4-28:5 K.
- "Lest we forget". N.4-?S:7 If.
- Southern legislature under Republican rule with negroes in majority. N.5-28:5.
Political advertisements
- Charges against Smith and Tammany on th< negro rffue proven, signed by Democratic State anti-Smith committee. 0.30-28:9.
- Smith men shower "brick on war vet. 0. 31-28:8.
- To anti-Smith voters. 0.31-28:9.
- Will increase South1e influence. N.l-28:5.
- Senator Simeons' appeal to the citizens of N.C. N.3-28:7.
Political advertisements
- Let's have the truth about this negro Morton- N.5-28:7.
- Republicans party offers Herbert Hoover
- H.5-28;11.
- Judge iieekins issues solemn warning to election officials. N.5-88:13.
- Insult. to North Carolina democrats. N.6-28:14.
- Merely a suggestion, P.3. Mc".llan for Governor. May 5-?9:5.
- iy
Political advertisements
- To the c Lemocrats of N.C. pd. for by
- Democratic : voters of Wake County. May 26-
- 30:7.
- Why you should vote for Paul J. Fri7-
- zelle for judge. Je.1-30 3.
- Bailey demanded that more taxes be laid
- on lands, by Simmons campaign committee.
- Je.1-30:4.
- Parallel. that is deadly to S enat or Sim-
- mone by J. S. Manning. Je 3-30 :?.
Political advertisements
- Bailey's great record as a democrat by J.E. Steed and others. Je.4-30:5.
- Who registered the negroes? Simmons's consPiracy uncovered "by Wake County Bailey supporters. Je.4-30:7.
- Simmons' enemies caught in attempted fraxxd. Je. 4-30:1?.
- Vote for James H. Holloway: letter from Judge Pell and Mr. Holloway answer. Je. 5-30:17.
Political advertisements
- Political advertisements
- Sec. Daniels says "Simmons and Bailey
- on equal terms as to party regularity"
- by Wake County men for Simmons. Je.6-30:
- 11.
- Truth about the negro registration in
- Wake County, by Bart Gatling. Je.5-30:13
- Traitors and harmony by Anti-Smith
- t)rincipled democratic committee of Wake
- county. N.3-30:8.
Political advertisements
- Jeffersonian democratic league, inc. Mar.13-32:13 X.
- To the democratic voters of Wake County, vote for John F.Broughton. May 30-32:10.
- Physicians' endorse Mr. Morton. Je.2-32:!
- State ment of D.H.Pooe; Stanley Win-bourne candidate for re-election; J.T.Shea ron for Wake commissioner; No appointment promised by J.J.Proctor. Je.2-32:8.
Political advertisements
- Register now in order to vote in special election for Council-manager government. S.12-40:15.
- Are the citizens of Raleigh going to allow three politically dominated precincts to control their city? 3.20-40:12.
- Government by the people of rule by a petty dictator. S.28-40:3.
- Let's face the facts! Who controls our city's affairs? S.30-40:?.
- 3<