N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 214 results.
Republican Party
- Jackson to call committee soon. Ag.26-27:2.
- Name C.A. Jones for committee. S.23-27d 1.
- Grisso'.n says Ticker to have open field for governor. Mar. 4-28: 2.
- May name David #.Blair for vice president as bait to South. Mar.15-28:2.
- Wake County republican convention
- meets today. Ap.7-23:12.
Republican Party
- Anti-saloon league head, C. A. Upcnurch, at republican convention. Ap.8-28:1.
- Gr.O.P Pulls off fracas in ninth. Ap.S-28:4 0.
- Lee republicans hold convention. Ap.8-23:12 Q.
- Theodore Burton's p-oeech to convention. Ap.12-28:7.
- Lowden now has N.C. delegation. Ap.20-28:12.
Republican Party
- Local republicans open campaign against Smith. Ap.28-28:1.
- Dream of paper again fascinates. May 11-28:5.
- Text of national platform, 1928. Je.15-28:10.
- Tar heels split with Lowden on farm relief. Je.18-28:2.
- Charlotte chosen as G.O.P.headquarters. Jl.7-28:3.
Republican Party
- Figures give republicans no encouragement in this state. Jl.8-28:8 0.
- Seawell thinks splits unwise. Jl.26-28; 1.
- Republicans get ready for fight. J1.27-28:2.
- Republicans claims they will carry N.C. Jl.28-28:2.
- Republicans to make stiff fight to carry N.C. Ag.3-28:4.
Republican Party
- Rally in Sixth district. Se. 15-28 :2.
- Miss Meekins takes dig at Overman. Se.
- 19-28:18. Mrs. Elb grt Russell aske women to vote
- for Hoover. 0.3-28:2.
- To begin active G.O.P. drive here. 0.4-
- 28:16.
- Republicans make religion campaign ise
- sure. 0.5- -28:5.
Republican Party
- Secretary of Labor, James J.Davis, to open campaign in Salisburg. 0.8-28:8.
- Curtis to speak In Raleigh. 0.15-28:1.
- Dyer promises negro full vote. 0.16-28:13.
- Curtis praises Simmons in speech at Raleigh. 0.17-28:1, 10.
- Speakers for this week. 0.21-28:8 M.
- West is claiming 300,000 straight Repub lican votes. 0.23-28:2.
Republican Party
- Wake CO.P. is mxshing ticket. 0.29-28! 10.
- Claim H.C. safe for Hoover. 0.30-28:9.
- North Carolinian likely to be gift en cabinet job. N.10-28:1.
- Jackeon backs Cramer for job in cabinet N.18-28:?.
- Gr.O.P. was given record donation for this state. N.27-28:1.
Republican Party
- G.O.P. electors meet in Raleigh toaay. Jan.2-29-5.
- State's vote formally Obst for Republi-e cans. Jan.3-29:1.
- Jonas here for minority confab. Jan.18-29:2.