N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-10 of 183 results.
Sales tax
- Teachers not insisting on sales tax plan. Jan.a-2d:5.
- No tax Dut sales tax position taken by Sen.Carter "A'illiams. Jan. 11-29:2.
- Sale? rax fight is srettins- warm. Jan. Il-3li2.
- I? vprv unnoTmlar. Jan.13-31:3,
- Le
Sales tax
- Is advocated. oy assessors and list tak-fl ers of Moore county. Jan.18-31:8 X.
- Retail clothiers are against sales tax. Jan.20-31:10.
- N.C. Automotive Trade asso. hostile to Bales tax. Jan.23-31: 8.
- Finpdal p tax bill adds to 8.C. -plan. Jan.27-31:1.
- Picouet protests tax on theaters. F.3-31:7.
Sales tax
- South Carolina official says sales taz accepted. F.24-31:1.
- Finance committee near s-iowdown for sales tax. Mar.7-31:1.
- School revenue hangs on choice sales tax "bill. Mar. 8-31:1.
- TT. Day and John w. Hinsdale state merits of rival sales tax bills, liar.8-31:1.
- Merchants mooilize to fight sales tax. Mar.9-31:1.
Sales tax
- Luxuries snould "bear the main burden, (ed.) Mar.9-31:4.
- House members for sales tax. Mar.10-31:l; Mar.11-31:1.
- Round robin attack launched on Day sale tax bill in senate. Mar.14-31:1.
- Hinsdale amendment to insure enough revenue. Mar.14-31:8.
Sales tax
- Working of the luxury tax(ed.) Mar.13-
- 31J 4.
- Directors of Merchant Asso. tell why
- they oppose all sales tax. Mar.17-31:8.
- Introduces new tax sales plan. Mar.20-31:1.
- Greensboro rally flays sales tax. Mar. 20-31:11.
- Anti-sales tax senators present their fund plan. Mar.21-31:1.
Sales tax
- Jonas opposed to all sales tax. Mar. 21-31:2.
- Farm leaders illue open letter to farmers of the state. Mar.31-31:7.
- S.H.Ho'b'bs Jr. says luxury tax would raise 19,000,000. Mar.22-31:6 X.
- Lieut.Gov. Fountain goes on re6ord as opoosed to sales tax. Mar.22-31:8 0.
- Judge Sinclair scores tax upon sales. Mar 24-31:11.
- Rep. Day understood Gardner not to oppose his sales taL Mar.24-31:11.
Sales tax
- Luxury tax amendment lost in House. Bar.36-51:1.
- House votes for sales tax. Mar.27-31:1
- Day gives view as to objective in regar to sales tax. Mar.29-31:8 0.
- W.L.Dowell charges sinister lobby backing Day sales tax. Ap.2-31:18.
- Statesville merchants resolve against any sale tax. Ap.2-31:18.
- Senate lines up for final fight on sales tax. Ap.5-31:1.
Sales tax
- W.L.Dowell says sales tax is indefensible. Ap.6-31:2.
- Senate spurns general sales tax 36-8. Ap.8-31:1.
- Extracts from Sen.Hinsdale's speech in
- favor of luxury tax. Ap.8-31:4.
- Senate rejects luxury sales tax. Ap. 9-31:1.
- Another fight made in senate for luxury tax. Ap.14-31:1.
Sales tax
- Ray of hooe for luxury tax results from talks among senate conferees. Ap.19-31:1
- Sanford merchants oppose sales tax. Ap.21-31:12.
- Luxury tax compromise gains after oppo-nebts beat move to instruct. Ap.23-31:1
- G.O.P.Chairman for luxury tax:. Ap.?3-' 31:11.
- Merchants again reaffirm stand. Ap.24-31:15.